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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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2018 CEDAR Workshops
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Active Experiments Workshop
Annual and Semiannual Variations in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere
Brian Laughman Tribute: Dynamics and roles of small-scale gravity waves in the MLT
CEDAR Broader Impacts
CEDAR science enabled by geospace storm observational campaigns
Challenges in high-latitude system dynamics
Characterizing neutral wind/plasma dynamics at high latitudes below 350 km
Cusp-Grand Challenge Initiative: An eleven sounding rocket campaign using space and ground-based instruments to investigate the polar cusp
Developing small rockets for mesosphere and lower thermosphere research (50-120 km)
Distributed Observatories in the American sector
Exploring High Latitude Thermosphere and Ionosphere Variability and Coupling using Ground-based, Space-based, and Modeling Studies – Current Understanding, Observational Challenges, and Outlook
Exploring the challenges related to "Big Data" in CEDAR science
GEM-CEDAR Model Validation Challenge
Grand Challenge: Multi-scale I-T System Dynamics
Gravity waves and atmospheric coupling MLT-IT
High Latitude Thermosphere Disturbances and Their Global Impact
Instability, Wave Breaking and Turbulence: Current work, outstanding challenges, and future progress
Integrative Space Weather at Low Magnetic Latitudes
Light Atoms Across Atmospheric Regions
Meteoroids and Space Debris
Neutral Wind Dynamics and Coupling Between the Thermosphere and Ionosphere in the low- and mid-latitude regions
Next generation CEDAR science: Addressing geospace system science in the age of data science
Polar AIM Coupling, Composition, and Neutral Dynamics
Snakes on a Spaceship: The Return of the Python
Space Weather Observation Network I: Ionospheric Disturbances
Space Weather Observation Network II: Thermospheric Expansion
Upper atmospheric responses to the 21 August 2017 Solar Eclipse
Whole atmosphere coupling: research challenges and needs