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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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2017 CEDAR Workshops
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Grand Challenge: Storms and Substorms Without Borders (SSWB) 3: Refinement and Synthesis
Active Experiments Workshop
Assimilating auroral ionospheric observations: remote sensing, in situ observations, and local-scale and global modelling
Calibration and analysis techniques for passive optical observations
CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge
Challenges and advances in the low- and middle latitude ionospheric electrodynamics
Collaborative investigations of MLT dynamics, chemistry, and ion-neutral coupling using lidars and surrounding cluster instruments
Combining Ionosphere and Sensor Models to Improve CEDAR Science Research
Coordinated observation and analysis of the 21 August 2017 solar eclipse effect on the upper atmosphere
Data fusion for low-latitude CEDAR science
Developing Strategies for Enhancing CEDAR Science in Student Research, Curriculum, and General Outreach
Distributed Networks of small instruments: low and middle latitude structures and modeling
Electrical and Dynamical Coupling Between Thunderstorms and the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System(s)
Generation and effects of suprathermal particles in aurora and SAPS/SAID
Geospace science in the digital age: New tools and methods
Grand Challenge MLT-X: Frontiers in Science and Sensing
High-Latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Their Impact on the Thermosphere
Hydrogen in the Upper Atmosphere
Ionosphere and Thermosphere Response to CIR- and ICME-driven Storms
Meteoroids and Space Debris
Neutral Dynamics and Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling at High Latitudes
New Challenges in High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling
Next generation systems science: Embracing data fusion and data science methods to understand geospace complexities
Snakes on a spaceship: 2 fast, 2 furious
The High Latitude Geospace System: Frontiers in science and sensing
The propagation, dissipation, and influences of atmospheric gravity waves in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere
Using Radar and optical observations for studying the Earth’s upper atmosphere at low and mid latitudes
Variations in the Thermospheric compositions and their impact on the ionosphere
WACCM-X Users Group
Whole Atmosphere Variability Revealed by Simulations and Observations