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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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2016 CEDAR-GEM Workshops
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Calibration and analysis techniques for passive optical and lidar observations
CEDAR science enabled by space weather observational campaigns
Coupling between the atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere through tropospheric and magnetospheric sources
Crowd to Cloud: Exploiting Crowd-Sourced Data for Geospace Science (quick link:
Data Assimilation for Space Weather: What works and what does not
Data Integration and Software Practices in Geospace Science
Decadal Survey ITM Missions — How to Best Engage the CEDAR/GEM Community
Exploration of the neutral atmosphere and its coupling with the ionosphere, magnetosphere and cosmic dust
Exploring the Geospace Frontier: Quo Vadis?
GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge
Geospace Empirical Models
Grand Challenge: The High-Latitude Geospace System
Joint GEM-CEDAR Grand Challenge: Storms and Substorms Without Borders (GC-SSWB)
Magnetospheric energy/momentum input and its role in the Magnetosphere – Ionosphere – Thermosphere Coupling
Making sense of high-latitude geospace observations: modeling, data fusion and assimilation
Origin and effects of suprathermal particles in the MI system
Particle Precipitation and the Effects on Earth's Atmosphere
Snakes on a Spaceship: Python in Space Science
What is the composition of the exosphere and how does it influence the topside ionosphere and plasmasphere?