2015 MLT Poster List
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MLT Poster List
(51 of 80 posters in competition)
COUP Coupling of the Upper Atmosphere with Lower Altitudes (4 of 10 posters in competition)
COUP-01, Richard Eastes, Non-student Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission – Observing Forcing of the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System from Above and Below
COUP-02, Federico Gasperini, Student IN poster competition Wave Coupling between the Lower and Middle Thermosphere as viewed from TIMED and GOCE
COUP-03, Rosmarie J. de Wit, Non-student Quantifying the influence of the stratosphere on the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
COUP-04, Matthew Grawe, Student IN poster competition Prediction and Analysis of TsunamiIonospheric Coupling Efficiency at Large Spatial Scales
COUP-05, Cissi Lin, Non-student Implementation of Spectral Gravity Wavefield to the Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model (GITM)
COUP-06, Greg Lucas, Student IN poster competition Magnetospheric Coupling to the Global Electric Circuit
COUP-07, Joe McInerney, Non-student WACCM-X: Recent Improvements, Current Development, and Future Plans
COUP-08, Justin Mabie, Student NOT in poster competition Observation of rocket induced acoustic waves in the Ionosphere
COUP-09, Marcin Pilinski, Non-student Seasonal Variability in Global Eddy Diffusion and the Effect on Thermospheric Neutral Density
COUP-10, Jack Chieh Wang, Student IN poster competition Tidal Variability Due to the Quasibiennial Oscillation and Ionospheric Responses Instruments or Techniques for Middle Atmosphere Observations
ITMA Instruments or Techniques for Middle Atmosphere Observations (7 of 7 posters in competition)
ITMA-01, Stephen Andrew Hall, Student IN poster competition Multi-Beam, High-Power Rayleigh Lidar for Study of the Dynamics of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
ITMA-02, Marcos Jose Inonan, Student IN poster competition Measuring Ion Spectra in the Dregion using Arecibo Incoherent Scatter Radar
ITMA-03, Jintai Li, Student IN poster competition Mesospheric turbulence detection and characterization with AMISR-class radars: Retrieval method and case studies using PFISR
ITMA-04, Eliana Nossa, Student IN poster competition ISR Wind Measurements for the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region - New Techniques and Observations
ITMA-05, Peter Panka, Student IN poster competition Study of vibrational-vibrational (V-V) energy exchange between CO2 isotopes in the middle and upper atmospheres of Earth and Mars
ITMA-06, Cody Vaudrin, Student IN poster competition Multistatic Meteor Wind Radar and Results from a Recent Observation Campaign of the Geminids Meteor Shower in Adelaide, Australia.
ITMA-07, Stuart Johnson, Student IN poster competition Low-cost Airglow Imager: Integrating CEDAR Science Into the Undergraduate Research and Course Curriculum
LTVM Long-Term Variations of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (0 of 2 posters in competition)
LTVM-01, Jeong-Han Kim, Non-student 27-day oscillation in the mesopause temperature observed by VHF meteor radar at King Sejong Station (62.2S, 58.8W), Antarctica
LTVM-02, Quan Gan, Non-student Temperature responses to the 11-year solar cycle in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere from the 31-year (1979-2010) extended Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model simulation
METR Meteor Science other than Wind Observations (9 of 12 posters in competition)
METR-01, W.F.J. Evans, Non-student Dayglow from Atomic Nickel
METR-02, Boyi Gao, Student IN poster competition High-Altitude Radar Meteors Observed at Jicamarca Radio Observatory using Multi-Baseline Interferometric Technique
METR-03, Robert Anthony Haaser, Non-student Understanding the atmospheric and Ionospheric response to hypersonic objects in the Earth's atmosphere
METR-04, Ashish Goel, Student IN poster competition Measurements of Hypervelocity Impact Plasma Using a Plasma Spectrometer
METR-05, Yayu Monica Hew, Student IN poster competition Time-resolved Emission Characteristics of Hypervelocity Impact Generated Flash
METR-06, Daniel Kellett, Student IN poster competition Accurate Detection of Micro-Meteor Observations by the Arecibo 430 MHz Incoherent Scatter Radar
METR-07, Lorenzo Limonta, Student IN poster competition Multi-instrument detection of meteoroids and ablation characterization
METR-08, Liane Kathryn Tarnecki, Student IN poster competition Spectra of Full 3-D PIC Simulation of Evolving Meteor Trails
METR-09, Qian Zhu, Student IN poster competition High spatial and temporal resolution radar measurements of meteor fragmentation at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory
METR-10, Ana Maria Tarano, Student IN poster competition Characterization of Non-Specular Meteors Detected by a Non-Equatorial Radar
METR-11, Alex Fletcher, Student IN poster competition Weibel instability in meteoroid impactproduced plasmas
METR-12, Benjamin Thomas Spangler, Student NOT in poster competition A Comparison of Optical and Radar Meteoroid Mass Estimates Using Simultaneous Observations MLT Gravity Waves
MLTG Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Gravity Waves (11 of 15 posters in competition)
MLTG-01, Erin H Lay, Non-student Ionospheric acoustic and gravity waves associated with mid-latitude thunderstorms
MLTG-02, Ryan Matthew Agner, Student IN poster competition Local Gravity Wave Effects on the DW1 Tidal Variability In WACCM/eCMAM
MLTG-03, Christopher Heale, Non-student The relative importance of temperature and wind medium scale wave perturbation fields in refracting small-scale gravity waves.
MLTG-04, Bing Cao, Student IN poster competition Observational and Modeling Study of Gravity Wave Propagation Through Reflection and Critical Layers
MLTG-05, Yun Zhang, Non-student The study of gravity wave components with different vertical scales in the stratosphere based on SABER temperature data
MLTG-06, Hosik Kam, Student IN poster competition Observation of mesospheric gravity waves with an All-Sky Camera in King Sejong Station, Antarctica (62˚ 13'S, 58˚ 47'W)
MLTG-07, Dhvanit Mehta, Student IN poster competition Gravity Wave Sources over South Pole
MLTG-08, Michael R. Negale, Student IN poster competition Investigating Thermospheric Gravity Wave Amplitudes in the High Arctic
MLTG-09, Jonathan Pugmire, Student IN poster competition Satellite measurements of mesospheric gravity wave temperature variances over the Andes
MLTG-10, Ahmad Talaei, Student IN poster competition Horizontal phase speed distribution of gravity waves observed in mesospheric temperature maps
MLTG-11, Colin Charles Triplett, Student IN poster competition Gravity wave activity over Chatanika, Alaska and its relationship to the wind field and geostrophic adjustment.
MLTG-12, Chris William Vail, Student IN poster competition Gravity Wave Parameter Distribution over multiple seasons using an All Sky Imager in Eureka, Nunavut, Canada
MLTG-13, Haoyu Li, Student IN poster competition Statistical Study of High to Medium Frequency Mesoscale Gravity Waves over the Central US using Temperature Mapper, CRRL Na Lidars, and ECMWF
MLTG-14, Johnathon S. Gay, Student IN poster competition Undergraduate High Impact Learning Through Ray Tracing of Atmospheric Gravity Waves
MLTG-15, Luis Navarro Dominguez, Student NOT in poster competition Detection and estimation of Gravity Wave parameters from the Jicamarca All-Sky Imager Data Management
DATM Data Management (0 of 1 posters in competition)
DATM-01, Luis Navarro Dominguez, Student NOT in poster competition Online Monitoring System for Lidar Operations and Data Handling at ALO-USU MLT Lidar Studies
MLTL Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Lidar Studies (4 of 7 posters in competition)
MLTL-01, Vincent B. Wickwar, Non-student The transition from summer-to-winter temperatures between 70 and ~115 km as observed with the ALO-USU Rayleigh lidar
MLTL-02, Ian Barry, Student IN poster competition Stratospheric and MLT Temperature and Horizontal Wind Vector Collection Using Na-DEMOF Receivers
MLTL-03, Katrina Bossert, Student IN poster competition Instabilities, Critical Layers, and Secondary Gravity Wave Generation in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere During the DEEPWAVE Campaign
MLTL-04, Cao Chen, Student IN poster competition A statistical study of the 4-9 h waves in the Antarctic middle and upper atmosphere observed by lidar
MLTL-05, Yafang Guo, Student IN poster competition Sodium observation in the lower thermosphere (120-160 km) at the Andes Lidar Observatory
MLTL-06, Leda Sox, Student NOT in poster competition Changing Atmospheric Composition and the Retrieval of Rayleigh Lidar Temperatures in the Lower Thermosphere
MLTL-07, Wentao Huang, Non-student Design and implement a new Na Faraday filter for STAR Na Doppler lidar at Boulder to make high-quality daytime measurements Mesosphere or Lower Thermosphere General Studies
MLTS Mesosphere or Lower Thermosphere General Studies (4 of 7 posters in competition)
MLTS-01, Erin Dawkins, Non-student CO2 in the MLT: constraining the CO2(υ2)-O quenching rate coefficient.
MLTS-02, Xuguang Cai, Student IN poster competition Investigation on how the strong Sporadic Na layer formed by model simulation
MLTS-03, Takanori Nishiyama, Non-student Height and time characteristics of seasonal and diurnal variations in PMWE based on 1 year observations by the PANSY radar (69.0◦S, 39.6◦E)
MLTS-04, Yi Chung Chiu, Student IN poster competition The Equatorial OH Airglow Analysis by ISUAL Instrument on Board the FORMOSAT 2 Satellite
MLTS-05, Neal R. Criddle, Student IN poster competition Coordinated temperature measurements in Logan, UT, USA
MLTS-06, Cornelius Csar Jude Salinas, Student IN poster competition Seasonal Variations of TIMED/SABER Carbon Dioxide based Eddy Diffusion Coefficients in the MLT Region
MLTS-07, Julio Alberto Oscanoa, Student NOT in poster competition Mesospheric winds estimation algorithms for Jicamarca All-Sky Meteor radars MLT Other Tidal, Planetary Waves, or Sudden Sratospheric Warmings
MLTT Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Other Tidal, Planetary Waves, or Sudden Stratospheric Warnings (9 of 15 posters in competition)
MLTT-01, Quan Gan, Non-student Observations of thermosphere and ionosphere changes due to the dissipative 6.5-day wave in the lower thermosphere
MLTT-02, Weichun Fong, Student IN poster competition First climatology of temperature structure from 0 to 110 km during 2011-2014 and mechanism study of winter temperature tides of fast amplitude growth above 100 km at McMurdo (77.8S, 166.7E), Antarctica
MLTT-03, Loren Chang, Non-student Seasonal and quasi-biennial variations in ionospheric tidal signatures using HHT analysis
MLTT-04, Jia-Ting Lin, Student IN poster competition A Study of thermospheric-ionospheric response to the 2009 stratospheric sudden warming by using an assimilative TIMEGCM with SAMI3 model simulations
MLTT-05, Xian Lu, Non-student Lidar and satellite studies of the vertical coupling of eastward propagating planetary waves with periods of 1–5 days from the stratosphere to the lower thermosphere in the winter Antarctic
MLTT-06, Garima Malhotra, Student IN poster competition Interhemispheric Comparison of Seasonal Mesospheric Tidal Activity observed by mid-latitude SuperDARN Radars
MLTT-07, You Yu, Non-student Seasonal variations of MLT tides revealed by a meteor radar chain based on HMD analysis MLTT-08, Vu Nguyen, Student IN poster competition Observations of Secondary Waves Arising from QTDW-DW1 Interaction
MLTT-09, Mary Beth Bradley, Non-student Stationary planetary waves and their momentum budgets in eCMAM30
MLTT-10, Nirmal Nischal, Student IN poster competition Photochemical modeling of nonmigrating tides in the 15 μm infrared cooling of the lower thermosphere and comparison with SABER
MLTT-11, Ashan Vitharana, Student IN poster competition Statistical characteristics of short-term variability of diurnal tides in eCMAM30
MLTT-12, David Warder, Student IN poster competition Seasonal variations of Hough modes in DW1 and DS0
MLTT-13, Shengyang Gu, Student NOT in poster competition Influence of the sudden stratosphere warming on quasi-2 day waves
MLTT-14, Austin Gornet, Student IN poster competition Examination of sudden stratospheric warming effects of non-migrating diurnal tides
MLTT-15, Brittany A. Marriott, Student IN poster competition Neutral Temperature and Horizontal Wind in the Thermosphere Sprites
SPRT Sprites (2 of 3 posters in competition)
SPRT-01, Levi Boggs, Student IN poster competition Analysis of two thunderstorms producing three negative sprites on 12 September 2014
SPRT-02, Mohammad Ahmad Salem, Student IN poster competition Effects of Thunderstorm Electrostatic Fields on the Conductivity of the Lower Ionosphere
SPRT-03, Salih Mehmed Bostan, Student NOT in poster competition Preliminary Results of a Software Defined Radar System to Detect Sprites Stratosphere Studies and Below
STRA Stratosphere Studies and Below (1 of 1 posters in competition)
STRA-01, David K. Moser, Student IN poster competition Comparing USU Rayleigh Lidar and Assimilative Model Temperatures at 45 km