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2015 IT Poster List

2015 CEDAR

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Seattle, Washington


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IT Poster Session (63 of 110 posters in competition)


DATA Data Assimilation (2 of 3 posters in competition)

DATA-01, Chih-Ting Hsu, Student IN poster competition Global ionospheric specification and forecasting by inferring unobserved thermospheric and ionospheric state variables via an Ensemble Kalman Filter

DATA-02, Daniel Sveta Miladinovich, Student IN poster competition Data Assimilation of Neutral Wind Measurements to Estimate the Ionosphere-Thermosphere State

DATA-03, Mihail Codrescu, Non-student On the Importance of Data Assimilation for the Thermosphere Ionosphere System 

EQIT Equatorial Thermosphere or Ionosphere (9 of 13 posters in competition)

EQIT-01, Ethan S. Miller, Non-student Ionospheric Structure Observed by a Transequatorial HF Radio Experiment

EQIT-02, Dustin A. Hickey, Student IN poster competition Observations of large and small scale ESF irregularities over Jicamarca from an all-sky imager and AMISR-14

EQIT-03, Dimitrios Iliou, Student IN poster competition Validation of space based equatorial plasma bubbles measurements using ground based observations

EQIT-04, Yu Jiao, Student IN poster competition Signal Fading Characteristics of Low-latitude Scintillation Observed Across the GPS Frequency Bands

EQIT-05, Sovit Khadka, Student IN poster competition Study of the longitudinal variability of equatorial electrojet current and its impact on ionospheric TEC in South America

EQIT-06, Andrew Kiene, Student IN poster competition Equatorial F-region neutral winds and shears near sunset measured with chemical release techniques

EQIT-07, Pablo M. Reyes, Student IN poster competition Study of the equatorial valley region using Jicamarca ISR and VIPIR ionosonde

EQIT-08, Jessica Mae Smith, Student IN poster competition On the occurrence of equatorial Fregion irregularities and the magnitude of the pre-reversal enhancement of the evening plasma drifts

EQIT-09, Jonathon Smith, Student IN poster competition The evolution of equatorial plasma depletions described by the CNOFS/CINDI mission

EQIT-10, Gebreab Zewdie, Student IN poster competition Spectral observation of equatorial spread F irregularities using the MELISSA radar in the Brazilian sector

EQIT-11, Robert Sorbello, Student NOT in poster competition Preliminary Comparative Observations between Jicamarca and Recently Installed VHF Radar in Huancayo, Peru

EQIT-12, Ross L. Dinsmore, Student NOT in poster competition Multi-Instrument Observations of MSTIDs

EQIT-13, Ronald R. Ilma, Student NOT in poster competition Equatorial 130 km echoes at twilight 

IRRI Irregularities of Ionosphere or Atmosphere (5 of 10 posters in competition)

IRRI-01, Chien Ya Wang, Non-student Upper E region field-aligned echoes over Chung-Li radar

IRRI-02, Pei-yun Chiu, Student IN poster competition Spatial and Temporal Variation of the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC S4 scintillation index using Tidal Analysis

IRRI-03, Xinan Yue, Non-student The effect of ionosphericirregularities on GNSS radio occultation signals

IRRI-04, Leslie J. Lamarche, Student IN poster competition Solar control of F region radar backscatter: Further insights from observations in the southern polar cap

IRRI-05, Diana C. Loucks, Student IN poster competition Polar Ionosphere Structure and High Latitude Scintillation Impacts from the March 17, 2013 Geomagnetic Storm

IRRI-06, Catalin Negrea, Student IN poster competition Characteristics, Variability and Impact of Atmospheric Gravity Waves in the Thermosphere-Ionosphere as Determined from Dynasonde Data

IRRI-07, F. F. Lin, Student NOT in poster competition Simultaneous investigation of F region irregularities made with Chung-Li VHF radar, Yonaguni all-sky imager and COSMIC satellite

IRRI-08, Enrique Rojas, Student NOT in poster competition Kinetic simulations of FarleyBuneman instabilities

IRRI-09, Matthew Young, Student NOT in poster competition Development of a Parallel PIC/Fluid Simulation of E-region Farley-Buneman Turbulence

IRRI-10, Catherine Sullivan, Student IN poster competition Simultaneous detection of ionospheric perturbations using mid-latitude all-sky imagers and equatorial C/NOFS measurements

ITIT Instruments or Techniques for Ionospheric or Thermospheric Observation (12 of 25 posters in competition)

ITIT-01, Eugene V. Dao, Non-student Bistatic HF measurements of TIDs at White Sands, NM

ITIT-02, Carl Andersen, Student IN poster competition Neutral Winds and Turbulence in the Lower Thermosphere as observed with Multi-Point, Chemical-Release Sounding Rocket Payloads

ITIT-03, Brett Isham, Non-student Exploiting Artificial Intelligence for Radio Data Selection onboard the Puerto Rico CubeSat

ITIT-04, Saurav Aryal, Student IN poster competition HiT&MIS: Instrumentation for Auroral and Ionospheric Airglow Studies

ITIT-05, Edgardo Pacheco, Non-student Cubesat and ground-based instrumentation for TEC measurements at low latitudes

ITIT-06, George Geddes, Student IN poster competition Tackling Inverse Problems with Markov Chain Radiative Transfer

ITIT-07, Gareth William Perry, Non-student Initial results from HF radio wave propagation studies with ePOP

ITIT-08, Michael Hirsch, Student IN poster competition Contemporary Auroral Tomography Techniques

ITIT-09, Jianqi Qin, Non-student Radiative Transfer Modeling of the OI 135.6-nm Emissions in the Nighttime Ionosphere

ITIT-10, Dev Joshi, Student IN poster competition High Frequency Propagation Modeling results from Metal Oxide Space Cloud (MOSC) experiment

ITIT-11, Jeff Spaleta, Non-student Ionospheric scattering observations using extended SuperDARN pulse sequences with multi-frequency Bayesian inference methods

ITIT-12, Jorge Ortiz, Student IN poster competition Web-based radar controller system with 16 programmable output channels

ITIT-13, Ming Yao, Non-student The Prototype Incoherent Scatter Radar System of Nanchang University, China

ITIT-14, Timothy Joseph Palinski, Student IN poster competition Improving geolocation of SuperDARN measurements using HAARP-induced backscatter

ITIT-15, Weiwei Sun, Student IN poster competition Computing acceleration of ambiguity function estimation algorithms with GPU

ITIT-16, Ningchao Wang, Student IN poster competition Seeking Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Ionospheric-Thermospheric Flows

ITIT-17, Jiahao Zhong, Student IN poster competition Is the long-term variation of the estimated GPS differential code biases associated with ionospheric variability?

ITIT-18, Robert Albarran, Student NOT in poster competition Plasma density wakes around CubeSats in the Earth's Ionosphere

ITIT-19, Harrison W Bourne, Student NOT in poster competition Comparison of Gradient-Based GPS TEC Estimation with Arecibo and Jicamarca Incoherent Scatter Radar

ITIT-20, Derek Gardner, Student NOT in poster competition Field-Widened Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy: Calibration Techniques for Ha Airglow Observations

ITIT-21, Michelle Pyle, Student NOT in poster competition Design and Gate Driver Verification for a CubeSat Time-of-Flight Reflectron Mass Spectrometer for Upper Atmosphere Composition Measurements

ITIT-22, Guy Alan Grubbs, Student IN poster competition A Correlative Study of Ground-Based EMCCD Narrow-band Imaging and In-Situ Rocket Data

ITIT-23, John Swoboda, Student IN poster competition A Generalized Data Analysis Software Suite

ITIT-24, Jack Chieh Wang, Student NOT in poster competition Topside Ionospheric Plasma Temperatures Retrieved From FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Observations

ITIT-25, Brian Jay Anderson, Non-student AMPERE-II Status and Plans

LTVI Long Term Variations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere (3 of 5 posters in competition)

LTVI-01, Susan M. Nossal, Non-student Simulations of greenhouse gas influences on thermospheric atomic hydrogen

LTVI-02, Daniel James Fisher, Student IN poster competition A climatological analysis of FabryPerot derived thermospheric winds and temperatures from solar minimum to maximum

LTVI-03, Jessica Marie Hawkins, Student IN poster competition Topside Ionospheric Response to Solar EUV Variability

LTVI-04, Chih-Te Hsu, Student IN poster competition Plasma Temperatures in the Topside Ionosphere.

LTVI-05, Lucia Villanueva, Student NOT in poster competition Solar, Magnetic and Ionospheriic Variability in Solar Cycles 19-21 MidLatitude Thermosphere or Ionosphere

MDIT MidLatitude Thermosphere or Ionosphere (4 of 6 posters in competition)

MDIT-01, Patrick Dandenault, Student IN poster competition Midnight ionosphere collapse at Townsville and its relationship to the meridional neutral wind over a complete solar cycle

MDIT-02, Nathaniel Anthony Frissell, Student IN poster competition Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by a Longitudinally Distributed Chain of SuperDARN Radars Across the United States

MDIT-03, Pratik P. Joshi, Student IN poster competition Observations of storm-time mid-latitude ion-neutral coupling using SuperDARN radars and NATION Fabry-Perot interferometers

MDIT-04, Eunsol Kim, Student IN poster competition An Analysis of Topside Ionospheric Profiles from Alouette-1 Satellite During Solar Minimum

MDIT-05, Lara Waldrop, Student NOT in poster competition Evidence for a radiative recombination source of O 844.6 nm emission at mid-latitudes

MDIT-06, Magdalina Moses, Student NOT in poster competition Experiment Design to Assess Ionospheric Perturbations During a Solar Eclipse 

MITC Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling (11 of 15 posters in competition)

MITC-01, Meghan Burleigh, Student IN poster competition Thermospheric wind impacts on ionospheric upflow and outflow

MITC-02, Anthony Pritchard, Student IN poster competition Kinetic modeling of ionospheric frictional heating and O+ outflows

MITC-03, Alexander Crew, Non-student Spatial and Energy Scale of Electron Microbursts observed by the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats

MITC-04, Yun-Ju Chen, Student IN poster competition The Dynamics of the Ionospheric Convection Pattern

MITC-05, Brian J. Harding, Student IN poster competition The storm-time red line and fast oxygen: comparison of ground-based optical and space-based energetic neutral atom observations

MITC-06, Lucas Hurd, Student IN poster competition Characterizing high-latitude Joule heating in terms of the variance in PFISR electric fields

MITC-07, Joseph B. Jensen, Student IN poster competition Precipitation Effects Joule Heating and Neutral Densities of the Polar Ionosphere

MITC-08, Nick Perlongo, Student IN poster competition Self-Consistent Ring CurrentIonosphere/Thermosphere Coupling: Initial Results

MITC-09, Mykhaylo Shumko, Student IN poster competition Microburt Spatio-Temporal Morphology and the Electron Energy Distribution Measurments using the FIREBIRD II Spacecraft

MITC-10, Nithin Sivadas, Student IN poster competition Conjugate space-based and ground-based observations of energetic electrons during substorms

MITC-11, Austin Sousa, Student IN poster competition Event Detection Methods for LightningInduced Electron Precipitation using FIREBIRD-II

MITC-12, Kevin Urban, Student IN poster competition The solar wind-polar cap open field interaction

MITC-13, Jason Ahrns, Student NOT in poster competition Locating the source of short-duration pulsating aurora

MITC-14, Hassanali Akbari, Student NOT in poster competition Investigating the NonMaxwellian Ion Velocity Distribution via RISR

MITC-15, Spencer Hatch, Student NOT in poster competition Search for Drivers of Cusp Alfven Waves and Ion Outflow Planetary Studies

PLAN Planetary Studies (1 of 1 posters in competition)

PLAN-01, Saiveena Kesaraju, Student IN poster competition Monostatic and Bistatic Delay Doppler Imaging of the Moon Polar Aeronomy

POLA Polar Aeronomy (10 of 17 posters in competition)

POLA-01, Mark Conde, Non-student The C-REX Sounding Rocket Mission

POLA-02, Manbharat Singh Dhadly, Student IN poster competition Dependence of High Latitude Upper Atmospheric Horizontal Winds, Vertical Winds, and Temperatures on Geospace Conditions and Orientation of Interplanetary Magnetic Field

POLA-03, Jun Liang, Non-student Spatial-temporal structure and plasma feature of polar cap patches ----- RISR observations

POLA-04, Victoriya Forsythe, Student IN poster competition Dual radar investigation of E region plasma waves in the southern polar cap

POLA-05, Irfan Azeem, Non-student Phase Scintillation and TEC from a Latitude Chain of GPS Receivers in Alaska

POLA-06, Lindsay Victoria Goodwin, Student IN poster competition Swarm in situ observations of F-region polar cap patches created by cusp precipitation

POLA-07, Christopher Fallen, Non-student Altitude-power simulations of enhanced 427.8 nm wavelength airglow observed during ionosphere HF-modification experiments at HAARP and EISCAT

POLA-08, Yang Lu, Student IN poster competition Dependence of height-integrated Pedersen conductivity in high-latitudes

POLA-09, Geonhwa Jee, Non-student Vertical Incidence Pulsed Ionospheric Radar (VIPIR) installed at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica

POLA-10, Cheng Sheng, Student IN poster competition Correlation between Poynting flux and soft electron precipitation in the dayside polar cap boundary regions

POLA-11, Changsup Lee, Non-student Observation for the neutral winds in the polar upper atmosphere by Fabry-Perot interferometer at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica

POLA-12, Boyi Wang, Student IN poster competition Triggering and evolution of dayside polar cap airglow patches by satellite-imager coordinated observations

POLA-13, Qian Wu, Non-student Thermospheric Wind Observations Inside the Northern Polar Cap

POLA-14, Ying Zou, Student IN poster competition Connection of polar cap arc and associated meso-scale flow to nightside auroral oval disturbances

POLA-15, Cheng Sheng, Student IN poster competition Intense Poynting flux at very high latitude during magnetic storms: GITM simulation results

POLA-16, Vicki Hsu, Student IN poster competition Indirect Momentum-Energy Coupling in the F-region Ionosphere-Thermosphere System

POLA-17, Samuel Sanders, Student IN poster competition Simultaneous velocity and temperature measurements of the thermospheric neutral atmosphere and ionospheric plasma above 200 km over Poker Flat, Alaska. Solar Terrestrial Interactions in the Upper Atmosphere

SOLA Solar Terrestrial Interactions in the Upper Atmosphere (6 of 15 posters in competition)

SOLA-01, Naomi Maruyama, Non-student Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (IPE) Model Development for connection between terrestrial and space weather

SOLA-02, Naomi Maruyama, Non-student Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Plasmasphere coupling from the new Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (IPE) Model

SOLA-03, Mariangel Fedrizzi, Non-student Improving storm-time NO Cooling in CTIPe model using TIMED/SABER Observations

SOLA-04, Ji-hee Lee, Non-student The relationship between high-speed solar wind streams and ozone loss in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere

SOLA-05, Tomoko Matsuo, Non-student Predictability and Ensemble Modeling of the SpaceAtmosphere Interaction Region (SAIR)

SOLA-06, Janelle Valarie Jenniges, Student IN poster competition Approximating Midlatitude Fall-off Velocity Profiles in the Dawn and Dusk Sectors of the High Latitude Convection Pattern

SOLA-07, Xing Meng, Non-student Towards Forecasting Ionospheric Storms with Physics- based Modeling

SOLA-08, Emine Ceren Kalafatoglu Eyiguler, Student IN poster competition Quantitative assessment of the neutral wind contribution to Joule heating during geomagnetic storms

SOLA-09, Yang-Yi Sun, Non-student Global Total Electron Content Response to the 17 March 2015 Geomagnetic Storm

SOLA-10, Jeongheon Kim, Student IN poster competition A quantitative analysis of solar flux effects on the ionosphere by using FISM spetra

SOLA-11, Yong Gong, Non-student On the electric field mapping of the F-region to the E-region at Arecibo

SOLA-12, Yen-Chieh Lin, Student IN poster competition Model simulation of ion and electron density profiles in lower part of ionosphere

SOLA-13, Rafael Mesquita, Student IN poster competition New Results on the Midnight Temperature Maximum for Middle Latitudes

SOLA-14, Haibing Ruan, Student IN poster competition Variation of the nighttime enhancement in Thermospheric density

SOLA-15, Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, Student NOT in poster competition Influence of auroral streamers on rapid evolution of SAPS flows