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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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2014 CEDAR Workshops
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Addressing CEDAR Science goals with Combined Space and Ground-Based Observations
Arecibo Initiative in Dynamics of the Atmosphere (AIDA 2)
Calibration and analysis techniques for passive optical and lidar observations
Case study of atmospheric-ionospheric effects caused by forcing from below and above
CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge
Coordinated ISR Observation Days for 2015
CubeSats: Lessons Learned
Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems for High-Latitude Electrodynamics
Distributed instrumentation for ionospheric measurements over South America
Exploring the Daytime Dynamo -- A new look at the Sq Current System and Mid- and Low-latitude Daytime Electrodynamics
Grand Challenge: Coupling and Transport Processes from the Upper Mesosphere through the Middle Thermosphere (80-200 km)
Grand Challenge: Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations)
Grand Challenge: ITM Key Science Challenges during the Van Allen Probes / Great Observatory Era
Grand Challenge: MEGI - Multi-element Earth and Geospace Investigation
Grand Challenge: Observations, Modeling, and Forecast of Equatorial Spread F Irregularities and Scintillation
Grand Challenge: Scientific discovery enabled by networked instrumentation; current state-of-the-art and future opportunities
Grand Challenge: Severe Events During Non-SuperStorm Times
Grand Challenge: Storm/substorm-time subauroral Geospace
Grand Challenge: The high latitude geospace system
Lidar Workshop: Neutral-Plasma Coupling and Dynamics with Lidar Technology Transformation
Magnetically conjugate studies of ionospheric processes from low to auroral latitudes
Meteoroids and Space Debris
PINOT - The PFISR Ion-Neutral Observations in the Thermosphere Campaign
Planning Observing System Configurations for Answering Geospace System Science by Utilizing Simulation and Data Assimilation
Synergistic investigations using in situ neutral and ion composition data from the NSF EXOCUBE mission
The Dynamic Polar Cap
Thermosphere-Ionosphere Climate
Thermospheric composition variations and their impact on the ionosphere
Thermospheric wind variations and their interaction with the ionosphere
Using a new resource for CEDAR Science: SSUSI images of the ionosphere and aurora and GUVI spectrograph mode data