2014 CEDAR student poster prize winners with chief judge Greg Earle (VT) (left to right): Undergraduate outstanding posters Junseok Hong (Chungnam National University, South Korea, actually a 3rd year graduate student with a nice poster) EQIT-05 and Nicholas Spiva (FL Inst Tech) SPRT-03 (other IT outstanding undergrad Victoriya Forsythe (U AK) missing); MLT first place Jintai Li (U AK) MLTL-08 and MLT second place Weichun Fong (U CO) MLTL-04 (MLT honorable mention Monica Hew (Stanford) METR-12 missing); IT second place Ryan McGranaghan (U CO) SOLA-04 and IT honorable mention Kshitija Bharat Deshpande (VT) IRRI-06 (missing IT first place Bea Gallardo Lacourt (UCLA) POLA-07).2013 CEDAR MLT first place winner Zhibin Yu (U CO, MLTL-11 in 2013) gets a different book prize, the Schunk and Nagy book "Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry", courtesy of Bob Schunk (USU) from 2013 chief MLT judge Qian Wu (NCAR).2014 chief judges Greg Earle (VT) and Qian Wu (NCAR) agree to give 2013 CEDAR MLT first place winner Zhibin Yu (U CO, MLTL-11 in 2013) a new book prize, the Schunk and Nagy book "Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry”, prompted by his adviser Xinzhao Chu (U CO), who said she would donate a good MLT book next year for the MLT prize.