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2014 IT Poster List

CEDAR 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Seattle, Washington


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(56 of 102 posters in competition)

DATA Data Assimilation (4 of 7 posters in competition)

DATA-01 Gary Steven Bust, Non-student, presented by high school student Kaleb Slaatthuag, A Data Assimilative Comparison of Solar Cycle 24 Magnetic Storms

DATA-02 Brian J. Harding, Student IN poster competition Data fusion from a network of Fabry-Perot interferometers: Estimation of regional thermospheric wind dynamics

DATA-03 Hsu, Chih Ting, Student IN poster competition Effects of estimating unobserved thermosphere-ionosphere states by data assimilation of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC data on global ionospheric forecasting

DATA-04 Lin, Chi-Yen, Student IN poster competition Ionospheric Assimilation of Radio Occultation and Ground-based GPS data using Non-stationary Background Model Error Covariance

DATA-05 Nikoukar, Romina, Non-student Specification of the plasmasphere using a new data assimilation approach

DATA-06 Pawlowski, Dave, Non-student Using Ensemble Simultaions to Assess Uncertainty in the Upper Atmosphere

DATA-07 Sun, Yang-Yi, Student IN poster competition Assimilative Neutral Wind Bias Correction Scheme for Global Ionospheric Modeling at Midlatitude

EQIT Equatorial Thermosphere or Ionosphere (7 of 15 posters in competition)

EQIT-01 Espinoza, Juan C., Student NOT in poster competition LISN network: TEC observations over South America

EQIT-02 Hairston, Marc, Non-student The equatorial ionosphere's response to the October 2012 geomagnetic storms

EQIT-03 Hassan, Ehab, Student IN poster competition Equatorial Electrojet Irregularities- New Fluid Approach and Simulation

EQIT-04 Hickey, Dustin A., Student IN poster competition Boston University All-Sky Imager at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory

EQIT-05 Hong, Junseok, Student IN poster competition Equinoctial asymmetry of transition heights in topside ionospheric profiles

EQIT-06 Kiene, Andrew Devon, Student IN poster competition Westward neutral winds in the postsunset equatorial Thermosphere

EQIT-07 Hsu, Vicki, Student IN poster competition Altitude Structure of the Equatorial Thermosphere Anomaly

EQIT-08 MacInnis, Rebecca, Student IN poster competition Zonal drifts from all-sky imaging observations and CINDI data: magnetically conjugate behavior and latitudinal shear

EQIT-09 Valladares, Cesar Enrique, Non-student The Tropical Ionization Anomaly

EQIT-10 Moro, Juliano, Student NOT in poster competition Equatorial Electric Fields in the Brazilian and Peruvian Sectors

EQIT-11 Pacheco, Edgardo, Non-student Observations of low-latitude irregularities during low and moderate solar activity

EQIT-12 Rodrigues, Fabiano, Non-student MELISSA: A new coherent backscatter radar interferometer for the Brazilian sector

EQIT-13 Smith, Jessica Mae, Student IN poster competition On the magnitude of equatorial pre-reversal enhancement of the ionospheric zonal electric field and equatorial topside irregularities

EQIT-14 Sorbello, Robert Michael, Student NOT in poster competition First steps towards the implementation of a cognitive radar to study plasma instabilities near the Peruvian Andes

EQIT-15 Suarez Munoz, Daniel, Student NOT in poster competition Signal Chain Software for Jicamarca Radar

IRRI Irregularities of Ionosphere or Atmosphere (7 of 15 posters in competition)

IRRI-01 Chen, Shih-Ping, Student IN poster competition Occultation Scintillation Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC in 2007-2014

IRRI-02 Cosgrove, Russell Bonner, Non-student Alfven waves in the ionosphere: cutoff altitude and feedback instability

IRRI-03 Crowley, Geoff, Non-student Acoustic Waves Detected in the F-region Ionosphere

by the TIDDBIT HF TID Mapping System

IRRI-04 Crowley, Geoff, Non-student TID Observations at Middle and Low Latitudes Using the TIDDBIT HF TID Mapper

IRRI-05 Crowley, Geoff, Non-student OSSE Experiments to Determine the Value of Various Observing Systems for Ionosphere-Thermosphere Specification

IRRI-06 Deshpande, Kshitija Bharat, Student IN poster competition Inverse modeling using a novel GPS scintillation model, SIGMA, to characterize high latitude irregularities

IRRI-07 Eltrass, Ahmed Said Hassan, Student IN poster competition Identification of the generation source of decameter-scale ionospheric irregularities on plasmapause field lines

IRRI-08 Lamarche, Leslie Jean, Student IN poster competition A statistical investigation of decameter-scale plasma waves in the polar F region

IRRI-09 Lin, Fei-Fan, Student IN poster competition Observations of three dimensional spatial plasma structures of F region 3-m field-aligned irregularities made with Chung-Li VHF radar

IRRI-10 Van der Meeren, Christer, Student IN poster competition GNSS scintillations in the nightside polar ionosphere over Svalbard

IRRI-11 Wang, Chien-Ya, Non-student Characteristics of 3-m field-aligned irregularities in daytime and nighttime sporadic E region made with Chung-Li VHF radar

IRRI-12 Yokoyama, Tatsuhiro, Non-student Three-dimensional high-resolution plasma bubble modeling

IRRI-13 Zewdie, Gebreab Kidanu, Student IN poster competition Applying the Fourier, Capon and Maximum Entropy Imaging Techniques to Sao Luis Coherent Radar Interferometer Measurements

IRRI-14 Isham, Brett, Non-student Nonthermal plasma modes in the terrestrial ionosphere

IRRI-15 Drob, Douglas Patrick, Non-student Understanding the Response of the Ionosphere to Atmospheric Waves Generated by Tsunamis and Other Geophysical Disturbances

ITIT Instruments or Techniques for Ionospheric or Thermospheric Observation (8 of 14 posters in competition)

ITIT-01 Andersen, Carl, Student IN poster competition Measurement of Neutral Winds and Gradients in the Lower Thermosphere with Multi-Point, Chemical-Release Sounding Rocket Payloads

ITIT-02 Dhadly, Manbharat Singh, Student IN poster competition First ever cross-comparison of thermospheric neutral wind measured by narrow and wide field optical Doppler spectroscopy

ITIT-03 Fernandes, Philip, Student IN poster competition Possible measurements of low-altitude ion conics from the MICA sounding rocket

ITIT-04 Gardner, Derek, Student NOT in poster competition First Balmer-a Airglow Temperature Observations using Field-Widened Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy

ITIT-05 Geddes, George R., Student NOT in poster competition Ionospheric Inversion Using OII 83.4 nm Observations

ITIT-06 Goenka, Chhavi, Student IN poster competition Versatile four channel tunable hyperspectral imager for remote sensing

ITIT-07 NOW IN MLT AS METR-12 Hew, Monica, Student IN poster competition Optical Characterization Methods for Assessing Threat of Spacecraft Electrical Anomaly due to Hypervelocity Impact Plasma

ITIT-08 Kuyeng Ruiz, Karim M., Student NOT in poster competition Preliminary results of the PSU All-sky Radar Interferometry System (PARIS)

ITIT-09 Mangognia, Tony, Student IN poster competition Newly Revised Helium Resonance Fluorescence LiDAR

ITIT-10 Pyle, Michelle Lynn, Student IN poster competition Design for Miniaturized Time-of-Flight Reflectron Mass Spectrometer for Upper Atmosphere Density Measurements

ITIT-11 Reimer, Ashton Seth, Student IN poster competition Estimation of Self-Clutter for HF Ionospheric Radars that Employ the Multi-pulse Technique

ITIT-12 Reimer, Ashton Seth, Student NOT in poster competition Determination of an Optimal Pulse-Repetition Time for SuperDARN radars

ITIT-13 Sun, Weiwei, Student NOT in poster competition High speed multi-antenna radar receiver

ITIT-14 Swoboda, John P., Student IN poster competition Plasma Motion Induced Artifacts in 3-D Incoherent Scatter Radar

ITIT-15 Tatton, Nicole, Student NOT in poster competition The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment

LTVI Long Term Variations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere (1 of 2 posters in competition)

LTVI-01 Hawkins, Jessica, Student IN poster competition Solar Zenith Angle as a Driver of Seasonal Oscillations in the Ionosphere

LTVI-02 Nossal, Susan Marcelle , Non-student Thermospheric hydrogen response to increases in greenhouse gases

MDIT MidLatitude Thermosphere or Ionosphere (8 of 12 posters in competition)

MDIT-01 Duly, Timothy, Student IN poster competition Self-consistent generation of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) within the SAMI3 numerical model

MDIT-02 Duly, Timothy, Student NOT in poster competition pyglow: Upper atmosphere climatological models in Python

MDIT-03 Frissell, Nathaniel Anthony, Student IN poster competition Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by a Longitudinally Distributed Chain of SuperDARN Radars Across the United States

MDIT-04 Lin, Yen-Chieh, Student NOT in poster competition Model simulation of electron density profile in lower part of ionosphere

MDIT-05 Lomidze, Levan, Student IN poster competition Magnetic meridional winds in the thermosphere derived from GAIM and their sensitivity to atmospheric model parameters

MDIT-06 Mabie, Justin J.E., Student IN poster competition High Altitude Acoustic Wave Generated by Launch of the Cygnus ORB-1 Mission to the ISS

MDIT-07 Perez Ramirez, Freddy M, Student NOT in poster competition MatLab Implementation for Ionosphere Modeling Using B-Spline, VTEC and IRI2012 Models

MDIT-08 Sullivan, Catherine, Student IN poster competition Magnetically Conjugate Observations of Ionospheric Processes Using All-Sky Imagers in the American Sector

MDIT-09 Zhu, Jie, Student IN poster competition Simulating electron and ion temperatures in Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model

MDIT-10 Chien, Shih Han, Student IN poster competition Observations of semidiurnal tidal variability at seasonal and day-to-day time scales from the Boulder Fabry-Perot Interferometer

MDIT-11 Mesquita, Rafael, Student IN poster competition A study of the correlation between the midnight temperature maximum signature and the total electron content in the mid-eastern continental United States

MDIT-12 Mesquita, Rafael, Student NOT in poster competition A multi-instrument study of the vertical plasma drift difference associated with the pre-midnight brightness wave signature over the north-eastern Brazilian region

MITC Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling (3 of 7 posters in competition)

MITC-01 Anderson, Brian J., Non-student Relationships between Birkeland current onset dynamics and IMF/solar wind forcing

MITC-02 Akbari, Hassanali, Student IN poster competition Aspect-angle dependence study of naturally enhanced ion-acoustic lines

MITC-03 Cameron, Taylor, Student IN poster competition Electron Energy Dispersion as seen by the ePOP Suprathermal Electron Imager

MITC-04 Connor, Hyunju, Non-student Initial results of storm-time IT responses using the OpenGGCM-CTIM global magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere model

MITC-05 Li, Zan, Student NOT in poster competition Investigation of EMIC Wave Scattering as the Cause for the BARREL January 17, 2013 Relativistic Electron Precipitation Event

MITC-06 Sousa, Austin Patrick, Student IN poster competition A Cubesat Instrumentation Suite for In-Situ Measurements of Wave-Induced Particle Precipitation

MITC-07 Mauk, Barry, Non Student Van Allen Probes Overview and New Resources available via the Mission Gateway

POLA Polar Aeronomy (12 of 23 posters in competition)

POLA-01 Archer, William, Student IN poster competition Ion Thermalization at 500 km

POLA-02 Burleigh, Meghan, Student IN poster competition Coupling of Low Altitude Ionospheric Upflow Processes to Ion Outflow

POLA-03 Clayton, Robert, Student NOT in poster competition Localized Ionospheric Cubeswarm Concept

POLA-04 Emery, Barbara, Non-student Sondrestrom Joule Heating Estimates

POLA-05 Fallen, Christopher Thomas, Non-student Simulations of the high-latitude ionosphere response to the 25 Feb 2014 X4.9-class solar flare

POLA-06 Forsythe, Victoriya V., Student IN poster competition Observations of the high-velocity echoes from the polar E region with new Antarctic SuperDARN radars

POLA-07 Gallardo Lacourt, Beatriz, Student IN poster competition Ionospheric flow structures associated with auroral beading at the substorm auroral onset

POLA-08 Goodwin, Lindsay Victoria, Student IN poster competition Negative AL index excursions and their influence on the high latitude F-region ion temperature at dusk

POLA-09 Hirsch, Michael, Student IN poster competition Reconstruction of Fine Scale Auroral Dynamics

POLA-10 Hurd, Lucas David, Student IN poster competition Joule heating effects of small-scale structure and neutral winds in the high-latitude thermosphere/ionosphere

POLA-11 Jee, Geonhwa, Non-student Fabry-Perot Interferometer Installed at Korean Jang Bogo Station (JBS), Antarctica

POLA-12 Kaeppler, Stephen R., Non-student Observations in the E-region ionosphere of kappa distribution functions associated with precipitating auroral electrons and discrete aurorae

POLA-13 Liu, Xianjing, Non-student Thermosphere dynamics and composition changes

POLA-14 Sheng, Cheng, Student IN poster competition Correlation between Poynting flux and soft electron precipitation around the cusp region

POLA-15 POLA-15 Patrick, Matthew Ryan, Student IN poster competition Time Evolution of Poynting Flux as Observed with the Swarm Satellites.

POLA-16 Perry, Gareth W., Student IN poster competition Spatiotemporally resolved plasma and electric field structuring associated with a sun-aligned arc over Resolute Bay

POLA-17 Shim, Ja Soon, Non-student Systematic assessment of the Ionosphere/Thermosphere models driven by different high latitude drivers

POLA-18 Slanger, Tom, Non-student The Compact Echelle Spectrograph for Aeronomic Research (CESAR)

POLA-19 Spaleta, Jeffrey D., Non-student Index of Refraction Measurements in the Polar Cap Using the McMurdo Radar

POLA-20 Wang, Boyi, Student IN poster competition Coordinated observations of polar cap flow channels by all-sky imagers and DMSP

POLA-21 Zou, Ying, Student NOT in poster competition Localized polar cap flow enhancement evolution and tracing using airglow patches

POLA-22 POLA-22 Liuzzo, Lucas, Student IN poster competition High-latitude ionospheric drivers and their effects on wind patterns in the thermosphere

POLA-23 POLA-23 Liuzzo, Lucas, Student NOT in poster competition A statistical comparison of coupled thermosphere-ionosphere models Polar Aeronomy

SOLA Solar Terrestrial Interactions in the Upper Atmosphere (6 of 7 posters in competition)

SOLA-01 Kalafatoglu Eyiguler, Emine Ceren, Student IN poster competition Quantitative Assessment of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model Performances for the Orbit Averaged Storm Time Neutral Density along the CHAMP Satellite Track

SOLA-02 Kim, Jeongheon, Student IN poster competition A quantitative analysis of solar X class flare effects on ionosonde and GPS TEC data

SOLA-03 Lin, Ying-tsen, Student IN poster competition Effect of Solar Soft X-ray Irradiance on Thermospheric Nitric Oxide with High-cadence Solar Measurements

SOLA-04  McGranaghan, Ryan M., Student IN poster competition Forecasting the Impact of Equinoctial High-Speed Stream Structures on Thermospheric Responses

SOLA-05 Reistad, Jone Peter, Student IN poster competition Hemispheric asymmetries in the global aurora and IMF Bx

SOLA-06 Venkataramani, Karthik, Student IN poster competition Radiative cooling of the Thermosphere by infrared emissions from Nitric Oxide

SOLA-07 Yonker, Justin David, Non-student Amplification of NO Production Rate in the Lower Thermosphere due to Catalysis of O2+