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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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50 years of Gravity Wave Research - a Tribute to Colin Hines
Advances in lidar and coordinated studies of middle and upper atmosphere globally
Calibration and analysis techniques for passive optical and lidar observations
CEDAR ETI Modeling Challenge
Coupling of the lower and upper atmosphere during Stratospheric Sudden Warmings
Equatorial Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Low-Latitude Space Weather
Exploring mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) applications for commercial suborbital spacecraft
Geospace system science during storms and substorms
Impacts of Meteoroids and Space Debris
International space weather and climate observations along the 120E/60W meridional circle and over its surrounding areas
Large Atmospheric Lidar Observatory (LALO), a new initiative.
Lightning Effects in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
MIT boundary region science enabled by data assimilation
Observing and Modeling Small-Scale Wave Dynamics and Interactions in the MLT Region
Opportunities for cubesat science in Alaska
PFISR Ion-Neutral Observations in the Thermosphere Campaign Year 1
Planetary waves and Tides in the Middle Atmosphere and Ionosphere: Observations, Modeling and Data Assimilation
Planning Observing System Configurations for Answering Geospace System Science by Utilizing Simulation and Data Assimilation
Potential CEDAR role in US/UK Space Weather Collaborations
System-Theoretic approach to CEDAR science
To build a strategy to forecast the state and dynamics of the ionosphere over South America using the LISN distributed observatory.
To the Topside: exploring the space-atmosphere interaction region
Understanding Thermospheric Winds
World Day Planning