3 IT winners and honorable mention. Left to right: Enrique Rojas Villalba (JRO, Peru, IT second place), Nithin Sivadas (IIT, India, honorable mention), and Bharat Kunduri (VT, IT first place)], where Kshitija Deshpande (VT, honorable mention) is absent but shown in IT pictures above.7 IT and MLT winners. Left to right: Burcu Kosar (FIT, MLT second place, second place in 2011), Enrique Rojas Villalba (JRO, IT second place), Nithin Sivadas (IIT, India, 1 or 2 IT honorable mentions), Bharat Kunduri (VT, IT first place), Vu Nguyen (U CO, MLT honorable mention), Zhibin Yu (U CO, MLT first place), Thomas Stephen Ehrmann (ERAU, MLT honorable mention)Xinzhau Chu (U CO) on the right with her past and present students who have won first place in the MLT student poster competition: Left to right: Chihoko Yamashita (U CA Berkeley, MLT first place in 2011, and second place in 2009 and 2010), Cao Chen (MLT first place in 2012), and Zhibin Yu (MLT first place 2013)