Sunanda Basu (BC) holds her CEDAR Distinguished Lecture #3 award plaque given by Dave Hysell (CSSC chair, Cornell) on Thursday June 27, 2013.24th CEDAR Prize recipient Jorge (Koki) Chau (Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Peru) receives the CEDAR Prize award plaque from CEDAR Chair Dave Hysell (Cornell) in front of one of his slides on 150-km echoes on Monday 24 June 2013.Clearer picture of Jorge (Koki) Chau (Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Peru) receiving the CEDAR Prize award plaque from CEDAR Chair Dave Hysell (Cornell).Frank Eparvier (U CO), Phil Richards (GMU), and Rodney Viereck (NOAA) answered questions at a panel discussion after their talks about "EUV effects on the thermosphere and ionosphere: EUV-vs-F10.7 proxy models" on Tuesday 25 June 2013.On Tuesday 25 June 2013, Dave Fritts (GATS) convenes the popular and video-taped workshop session on "50 years of Gravity Wave Research - a Tribute to Colin Hines", where Colin participated long-distance from Toronto, Canada where he is retired.