Anne-Marie Schmoltner, the new NSF Aeronomy Program Manager and Dave Hysell (Cornell) head of the CEDAR Science Steering Committee (CSSC) listen to Rich Behnke, head of the NSF Geospace Section at the Sunday night CSSC dinner meeting at the Boulder Creek Living Room in the Millennium Hotel.The 2012-2013 CEDAR Science Steering Committee (CSSC) at the Sunday night CSSC dinner meeting at the Boulder Creek Living Room in the Millennium Hotel. Back row left to right: Gary Bust (APL/JHU), Dave Hysell (chair, Cornell), Bob McCoy (U AK), Aaron Ridley (U MI), Qian Wu (NCAR), Ian McCrea (Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK), Tony Mannucci (JPL), Rich Behnke (NSF), Anne-Marie Schmoltner (NSF). Seated in front left to right: Barbara Emery (ex-officio organizer, NCAR), Tom Immel (U CA Berkeley), Sharon Vadas (NWRA), Tim Duly (student U IL), Katelynn Greer (student U CO), Tomoko Matsuo (U CO/NOAA), Farzad Kamalabadi (U IL), Josh Semeter (BU).