2012 Workshop Summary
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The 27th CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions) Workshop was held in 2012 at the Eldorado Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico from Sunday June 24 through Friday June 29. The students were lodged at double rooms at the Hilton Hotel across the street and at the Santa Fe Sage Inn close-by. This year, there was no conference bus available from Colorado since air fares to Albuquerque were relatively cheap.
A total of 380 came to CEDAR (139 students, 124 supported plus 5 supported CEDAR Postdocs and others). The CEDAR participants came from 83 institutions, 21 outside the United States and Puerto Rico. There were 52 universities, 24 laboratories (9 more than last year, 7 foreign), and 7 small businesses. Of the 139 CEDAR students, 22 were undergraduate students, and 23 students came from 9 foreign universities and 2 foreign labs. A total of 94, including 60 students (43%), were first-time workshop participants.
The Sunday Student Workshop on Sunday on Waves and Tides was run by Katelynn Greer (U CO), the most recent CEDAR student representative, with help from the second year student rep, Roger Varney (Cornell). The new CEDAR student representative joining Katelynn is Timothy Duly of the University of Illinois. The annual soccer game followed, with a reception buffet in the Pavilion Sunday evening.
The 23rd CEDAR Prize Lecture was given in the Monday plenary session by Larissa Goncharenko of the Haystack Observatory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on “Stratospheric warmings and their Effects in the Ionosphere”. Our second Distinguished Lecture was given on Thursday morning by Donald Farley of Cornell University on "Incoherent Scatter Radar: Some Early History and Further Thoughts". We also heard from three tutorial speakers on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: "Comparative Aeronomy" by Andy Nagy of the University of Michigan, "Creating a Future for Aeronomy" by Larry Paxton of the Applied Physics Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins University, and "Inferring Limitations of Numerical Models" by Jan Sojka of Utah State University. These and six Science Highlights by Simon Shepherd (Dartmouth), Dave Fritts (GATS), Tom Immel (UCB), Jia Yue (NCAR), Xiaoqing Pi (JPL), and Ken Dymond (NRL), were videotaped. A 2-hour workshop entitled "CESM/WACCM-X: A Tutorial" was also videotaped. These talks are all available on 4 DVDs from Brian Day of Daylight Productions and Rentals (brian@daylightav.com) for $90, but are also on-line (for the third year).
Other plenary talks were given by Guotao Yang (NSSC of China), Bill Rideout (MIT), Geoff Reeves (LANL), Chet Gardner (U IL), with two special 50th anniversary talks by Jorge (Koki) Chau (JRO) and Phil Erickson (MIT) for incoherent scatter radars in Peru and Massachusetts. There were four final CEDAR post-doc reports given by Ethan Miller (JHU/APL), Brian Laughman (CoRA/NWRA), Jonathan Fentzke (JHU/APL), and Deepali Saran (SRI). Most plenary talks are available as .pdf files linked to the agenda.
Some workshop talks are linked to individual workshop pages, where workshop conveners and speakers are encouraged to add their talks to the wiki to make the meeting archive more complete and useful. Apart from the Sunday Student Workshop, there were 32 individual workshops in 37 2-h time slots.
There were 159 CEDAR posters at two poster sessions from 4-7 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday, where the CEDAR posters were separated into 65 Mesosphere-Lower-Thermosphere (MLT) on Wednesday 94 Ionosphere-Thermosphere (IT) posters on Tuesday. There were 107 CEDAR student posters, 11 with undergraduate first authors, and 89 in the student poster competition, 6 more than last year. Prizes were a certificate, and text books for the first and second place winners. The judges picked first place winners Cao Chen of the University of Colorado with MLT-MLTG-15 and Ellen Cousins of Dartmouth with IT-POLA-07. Cao chose the book "Middle Atmosphere Dynamics", by David G. Andrews, James R. Holton, and Conway B. Leovy, donated by Doug Strickland of Computational Physics Inc. Ellen chose "Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry" courtesy of co-authors Bob Schunk and Andy Nagy. Second place winners were Alireza Mahmoudian of Virginia Tech with MLT-ITMA-02, and Henrique Aveiro of Cornell with IT-EQIT-02. Alireza chose "Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere: Chemistry and Physics of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere" by Brasseur and Solomon courtesy of Geoff Crowley of ASTRA. Henrique got a copy of the "Comparative Aeronomy" ISSI book edited by Andy Nagy and courtesy of him. Thanks also to the private company of Scientific Solutions (John Noto) for providing a spectral imaging book. IT Honorable Mentions: Dustin Hickey (MDIT-05, BU), Roger Varney (EQIT-10, Cornell), McArthur Jones Jr (COUP-03, U CO); MLT Honorable Mentions: Samaneh Sadighi (SPRT-07, FIT), Vu Nguyen (MLTT-06, U CO), Alex Fletcher (METR-01, Stanford); 2 Undergrad Honorable Mentions: Zachary Stephens (METR-08, PSU) and Paul Zablowski (EQIT-13, BU). Thanks to the chief judges, Mark Conde of the University of Alaska and Tom Immel of the University of California at Berkeley, thanks to all their judges who spent so much of their time judging the posters, and thanks to all the students who participated in the student poster competition. View the results and pictures of the winners
In 2013, we go back to Boulder, Colorado from Saturday June 22 to about noon on Friday June 28. Most of the events are at the Millenium Hotel, including student lodging. The GEM 2013 Workshop will be held at Snowmass the previous week, so there is a two-day CEDAR-GEM Workshop at the Millenium Hotel Saturday-Sunday June 22-23. On Sunday June 23, participants can choose between the CEDAR-GEM Workshop and the Student Workshop (morning is 'CEDAR 101' and afternoon is models). CEDAR 2014 and 2015 will be held the third full weeks of June in Seattle at the University of Washington courtesy of host John Sahr.