2011 Student Poster Prize Winners
26 June - 01 July 2011
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Student Poster Prize Winners

From left to right are Robert Stillwell (MLTL-09) of the University of Colorado, Genevieve Plant (ITIT-06) of Boston University, and Edward Grabenhorst (MLTG-06) of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Missing is Stoyan Ivanov (EQIT-17) of the Goddard Space Flight Center and Georgia Institute of Technology.

From left to right are: Henrique Aveiro (EQIT-05) and Roger Varney (EQIT-12), both of Cornell University, Sotirios Mallios (SPRT-06) of the Pennsylvania State University and Elizabeth Bass (METR-02) of Boston University. Elizabeth Bass and Roger Varney are the two CEDAR Student representatives on the CSSC.

From left to right are: Xianjing Liu (IT#1 with SOLA-01) of the University of Colorado, Yanshi Huang (IT#2 with SOLA-05) of the University of Texas at Arlington, Chihoko Yamashita (MLT#1 with MLTG-17) of the University of Colorado, and Burcu Kosar (MLT#2 with SPRT-01) of the Florida Institute of Technology.

From left to right are: Xianjing Liu, Yanshi Huang, Chihoko Yamashita, Burcu Kosar, Henrique Aveiro, Roger Varney, Sotirios

From left to right are: Xianjing Liu (IT#1) of the University of Colorado with the Schunk and Nagy 'Ionospheres' book and Yanshi Huang (IT#2) of the University of Texas at Arlington with the Nagy et al. 'Comparative Aeronomy'.