26 June - 01 July 2011 Santa Fe, New Mexico Return to the 2011 Photo page Student Poster Prize Winners 3 of the 4 undergrad honorable mention poster winners. From left to right are Robert Stillwell (MLTL-09) of the University of Colorado, Genevieve Plant (ITIT-06) of Boston University, and Edward Grabenhorst (MLTG-06) of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Missing is Stoyan Ivanov (EQIT-17) of the Goddard Space Flight Center and Georgia Institute of Technology. The honorable mention winners of the IT and MLT poster competitions. From left to right are: Henrique Aveiro (EQIT-05) and Roger Varney (EQIT-12), both of Cornell University, Sotirios Mallios (SPRT-06) of the Pennsylvania State University and Elizabeth Bass (METR-02) of Boston University. Elizabeth Bass and Roger Varney are the two CEDAR Student representatives on the CSSC. The first and second place winners of the IT and MLT poster competitions. From left to right are: Xianjing Liu (IT#1 with SOLA-01) of the University of Colorado, Yanshi Huang (IT#2 with SOLA-05) of the University of Texas at Arlington, Chihoko Yamashita (MLT#1 with MLTG-17) of the University of Colorado, and Burcu Kosar (MLT#2 with SPRT-01) of the Florida Institute of Technology. Poster winners of the CEDAR student poster competition. From left to right are: Xianjing Liu, Yanshi Huang, Chihoko Yamashita, Burcu Kosar, Henrique Aveiro, Roger Varney, Sotirios The first and second place winners of the IT poster competition pick up their prize books. From left to right are: Xianjing Liu (IT#1) of the University of Colorado with the Schunk and Nagy 'Ionospheres' book and Yanshi Huang (IT#2) of the University of Texas at Arlington with the Nagy et al. 'Comparative Aeronomy'.