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2008 CEDAR Workshops

CEDAR 2008

16 - 21 June 2008
Midway, Utah

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Student Workshop, Theme: Space Weather Influences on the Ionosphere 


Geospace Response to Solar Minimum Drivers - All Solar Minima Are Not the Same 

Arecibo Friends 

Lower-Upper Atmosphere Coupling 

Space Science Instrumentation

CEDAR Community Information and Data Access with the CEDAR wiki and VSTO Data Portal 

Geospace Response to Solar Minimum Drivers - All Solar Minima Are Not the Same 

Ground-Space Models for Studying Atmospheric Coupling

MLT Science Involving Lidars 

Meteors and the Upper Atmosphere

World Day Planning

Arecibo Friends 

Ground-Space Models for Studying Atmospheric Coupling

MLT Science Involving Lidars 

Analysis problems of Fabry-Perot interferometer imaging systems 

Space Weather Effects and Aeronomy Studies at the Plasmaspheric Boundary Layer

MLT Spatial and Temporal Variabilities: TIMED and CEDAR collaboration 

Outstanding Issues in Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Research and the Techniques we can Use to Address Them 

Research Opportunities at Millstone Hill Observatory

The Low-latitude Ionospheric Sensor Network (LISN) 

Planning for CESAR 

The Second AMISR Science Planning Meeting: PFISR I 

Outstanding Issues in Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Research and the Techniques we can Use to Address Them 

Cubesats - Science and Systems Workshop 

CEDAR Science in Latin America

The Second AMISR Science Planning Meeting: PFISR II 

Lightning Effects on the Upper Atmosphere 

Coupling of atmospheric regions during stratospheric sudden warmings

The Second AMISR Science Planning Meeting: Tutorial I 

Jicamarca and C/NOFS Amigos

New Understanding of Thermospheric Density and Composition Structure and Variability

The Second AMISR Science Planning Meeting: Tutorial II 

Jicamarca and C/NOFS Amigos

New Understanding of Thermospheric Density and Composition Structure and Variability

I-T Challenges Based on Continuous Observations Through the IPY (or PRIMO II) 

The Second AMISR Science Planning Meeting: RISR I 

The Second AMISR Science Planning Meeting: RISR II 

Community Models Workshop