2004 Workshop Agenda
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CEDAR Student Workshop (Non-students Welcome) |
Co-Chairs Stan Briczinski (PSU) |
09:00-10:00 |
Registration, Sign Travel Vouchers |
at registration desk |
10:00-10:10 |
Introductions |
Stan Briczinski (PSU) |
10:10-10:30 |
--- Break (Ice-Breaker) --- |
10:30-11:30 |
LIDAR for dummies |
Alexander Hassiotis (PSU) |
11:30-12:00 |
The CEDAR lidar report, thoughts for students |
Richard Collins (U AK) |
12:00-01:30 |
Lunch on own |
01:30-02:30 |
Design Considerations for Monochromatic Imagers and Imaging Spectrographs |
Jeff Baumgardner (BU) |
02:30-03:00 |
Basic imaging techniques for ionospheric studies |
Jon Makela (NRL) |
03:00-03:15 |
--- Break --- |
03:15-03:45 |
Shop at the Sondrestrom Facility -- Quality Arctic Gear for Your Thesis |
Mary McCready (SRI) |
03:45-04:45 |
Keynote: Incoherent and Coherent Scatter Radars: Jicamarca examples (pdf) |
Ronald Woodman (Jicamarca) |
05:00-06:30 |
Reception for Students and Non-Students |
Sunset/Court |
06:30-07:00 |
Bus from Eldorado to Fort Marcy to Eldorado to Student Social |
07:00-09:30 |
Student Social for students, recent graduates and invited guests |
Free Bowling and Karaoke at Silva Lanes |
~08:15-08:30 |
Bus from Student Social to Eldorado and Fort Marcy Suites |
~09:30-09:45 |
Bus from Student Social to Eldorado and Fort Marcy Suites |
08:00-08:15 |
Opening Addresses (Anasazi) |
Sixto Gonzalez (CSSC) |
08:15-08:20 |
Report on Student Workshop |
Stan Briczinski (PSU) |
08:20-08:30 |
Introduction of Students by Institution |
Stan Briczinski (PSU) |
08:30-09:15 |
CEDAR Prize Lecture: Tidal Coupling in the Earth's Atmosphere (pdf) |
Maura Hagan (NCAR) |
09:15-09:30 |
NSF General Update |
Rich Behnke (NSF) |
09:30-10:00 |
--- Break --- |
10:00-11:00 |
Tutorial #1: The AMISR / ISR Capabilities (pdf) |
Craig Heinselman (SRI) |
11:00-01:30 |
2.5 hr Lunch on own (CSSC lunch at O'Keefe Cafe) |
01:30-03:30 |
(ISR4) High Latitude Plasma Structure (HLPS) Workshop (A) |
J.J. Sojka, C. Valladares, L. Zhu |
03:30-04:00 |
--- Break --- |
04:00-06:00 |
(ISR5) Polar Aeronomy: Current initiatives and future plans (A) |
J. Semeter, C. Heinselman, P. Erickson |
12:30-06:00 |
Bus (or private car) trip to Bandelier (Indian ruins) and to the Bradbury Museum at Los Alamos (~1 hour away) (sign up with Santa Fe Destinations) |
extra fee |
08:00-09:00 |
Tutorial #2: Middle Atmosphere Wind and Temperature Lidars: Current Capabilities and Future Challenges (pdf) |
Chet Gardner (U IL) |
09:00-09:15 |
NSF Lidar Evaluation |
Rich Collins (U AK) |
09:15-09:30 |
NSF Passive Optical Evaluation |
Bob Kerr (NSF) and John Meriwether (Clemson) |
09:30-09:45 |
NSF Upper Atmosphere Facilities Review |
Susan Avery (U CO) |
09:45-10:00 |
--- Break --- |
10:00-10:05 |
A Word from our SPA President |
Michael Mendillo (BU) |
10:05-10:15 |
Post-Doc #1: The Influence of Solar Variability on the Ionospheres of Earth and Mars |
Paul Withers (BU) |
10:15-10:30 |
Post-Doc #2: Investigating Polar Mesospheric Clouds at Sondrestrom, Greenland |
Weilin Pan (SRI) |
10:30-10:50 |
Post-Doc #3: Observational studies of dynamical forcing on Polar Mesospheric Clouds |
Aimee Merkel (NCAR) |
10:50-11:05 |
CAWSES Update |
Sunanda Basu (BU) |
11:05-11:20 |
NASA Update |
Phil Richards (NASA) |
11:20-11:35 |
IHY 2007 Overview |
Jan Sojka (USU) |
11:35-01:00 |
--- Lunch on own --- |
01:00-03:00 |
(CA1) Comparative Aeronomy on Earth and Mars (A) |
M. Mendillo and P. Withers |
03:00-03:30 |
--- Break --- |
Pavilion with posters |
03:30-06:30 |
Poster Session #1 (non-MLT session) |
Pavilion (free beer, maybe wine) |
--- OR --- |
03:30-07:30 |
Bus trip to La Sena Gia (Indian petroglyphs) (sign up with Santa Fe Destinations) |
extra fee |
08:00-09:00 |
Tutorial #3: AMISR Contributions to Equatorial Aeronomy (pdf) |
Dave Hysell (Cornell) |
09:00-09:15 |
AMISR Update |
Bob Robinson (NSF) |
09:15-09:30 |
--- Break --- |
09:30-11:30 |
(ISR2) Low- and mid-latitude aeronomy and stormtime disturbance (4hr) (A) |
D. Hysell, M. Sulzer, H. Kil, J. Makela, M. Codrescu |
11:30-01:00 |
--- Lunch on own --- |
01:00-03:00 |
(ISR2) Low- and mid-latitude aeronomy and stormtime disturbance (4hr) (A) |
D. Hysell, M. Sulzer, H. Kil, J. Makela, M. Codrescu |
03:00-03:30 |
--- Break --- |
Pavilion with posters |
03:30-06:30 |
Poster Session #2 (MLT session) |
Pavilion (free beer, maybe wine) |
--- OR --- |
03:30-07:30 |
Bus trip to La Sena Gia (Indian petroglyphs) (sign up with Santa Fe Destinations) |
extra fee |
09:00-09:30 |
(Remove all posters - any left are taken down at 11PM) |
Pavilion |
08:00-09:00 |
Tutorial #4: Chemical Release Applications, Observations and Modeling (pdf) |
Paul Bernhardt (NRL) |
09:00-09:10 |
Poster Prize Winners Announced (winning posters to be posted) |
Farzad Kamalabadi (U IL) |
09:10-09:15 |
New CSSC Members Announced |
09:15-09:45 |
--- Break --- |
09:45-11:45 |
(S2) CNOFS forecast -Collaborative measurements and campaigns (A) |
O. de La Beaujardiere, D. Hysell, M. Kelley, V. Eccles, R. Pfaff, J. Chau |
11:45-01:15 |
--- Lunch on own (CSSC lunch at O'Keefe Cafe) --- |
01:15-01:30 |
Post-Doc #4: Investigation of Ionospheric Coupling to Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Depressions |
Rebecca Bishop (Clemson) |
01:30-01:50 |
Post-Doc #5: Effects of Atomic Oxygen on the Morphology and Growth Rate of Water Ice Films under Simulated Mesopause Conditions |
James Boulter (SWRI) |
01:50-02:05 |
Post-Doc #6: Scales and Variabilities in Mesospheric OH and O2 temperatures |
Alok Taori (USU) |
02:05-02:20 |
CEDAR Database Update |
Barbara Emery (NCAR) |
02:20-02:35 |
Cyber Infrastructure Update |
John Holt (MIT Haystack Obs.) |
02:35-02:50 |
DASI Update |
John Foster (MIT Haystack Obs.) |
02:50-03:00 |
Final Words from the CSSC |
Sixto Gonzalez (Arecibo) |
03:00-03:30 |
--- Break --- |
03:30-05:30 |
(ISR3) Mid-latitude plasma structuring (MLPS) (A) |
Mike Ruohoniemi, Ray Greenwald, J. Foster |
--- OR --- |
01:00-06:30 |
Bus (or private car) trip to Bandelier (Indian ruins) and to the Bradbury Museum at Los Alamos (~1 hour away) (sign up with Santa Fe Destinations) |
extra fee |
08:00-10:00 |
(S1) TIMED/CEDAR Coordinated Studies (A) |
S. Yee, E. Talaat, L. Paxton, J. Russell, T. Woods, Q. Wu |
10:00-10:15 |
--- Break --- |
10:15-12:15 |
(LDS4) Storms and Superstorms: Observations, Analysis and Modeling of Large Geomagnetic Disturbances (A) |
L. Paxton, J. Kozyra, L. Goncharenko, G. Crowley, A. Burns, W. Wang |
12:15 |
--- ADJOURN --- |
--- OR --- |
01:45-06:45 |
Bus (or private car) trip to Bandelier (Indian ruins) and to the Bradbury Museum at Los Alamos (~1 hour away) (sign up with Santa Fe Destinations) |