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2001 CEDAR-SCOSTEP Workshop Agenda

17 - 22 June 2001
Longmont, Colorado

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SCOSTEP Saturday, June 16, 2001

09:00-12:00 Opening Remarks
Approval of Agenda
Approval or modification of draft minutes from CY-2000 Bureau meeting
Secretary's Report
Report on ICSU Executive Committee Meeting, 18-20 Feb 2001
Questionnaire from ICSU Committee for Scientific Planning and Review (CSPR)
Reports by Leaders of Post-STEP Programs (S-RAMP, EPIC)
12:00-01:00 --- Lunch at NCAR provided by SCOSTEP ---
01:00-05:00 Reports by Leaders of Post-STEP Programs (PSMOS, ISCS)
Report from Long-Range Planning Committee (CAWSES)
Budget for 2002/2003
General Council Meeting Issues


SCOSTEP Sunday, June 17, 2001

07:30 AM Raintree Van leaves Raintree for NCAR Mesa Lab
08:30-12:00 Opening Remarks
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes of 1999 Meeting
President's Report
Scientific Secretary's Report
SCOSTEP's Porposed New Long-Range Program: "CAWSES"
12:00-01:00 --- Lunch at NCAR provided by SCOSTEP ---
01:00-05:30 Financial Matters: (Report for CY-2000, Projection for CY-2001, Proposed budgets for CY-2002 and 2003)
Reports from Post-STEP Programs (S-RAMP, PSMOS, EPIC, ISCS)
Adherent Representative (National) Reports (20 min with questions each)
Other Business
Next Meeting - Summer 2003 (included General Election)
05:30-07:30 Reception for General Meeting Participants and Accompaning Persons - Hosted by NCAR Director, Dr. Tim Killeen
07:30 PM Raintree Van leaves NCAR Mesa Lab for the Raintree


CEDAR Sunday, June 17, 2001

10:00-10:20 Introductions Rebecca Bishop (UTD)
Dr. Sunanda Basu (NSF)
Dr. Cassandra Fesen, CEDAR Chair (UTD)
10:20-10:40 --- Break --- -
An Overview of the MLTI
Middle Atmospheric Remote Sensing
Dr. Dan Marsh (HAO/NCAR)
Dr. Tim Kane (PSU)
12:00-01:15 Lunch on own at nearby restaurants or Twin Peaks Mall -
01:15-02:00 The TIMED Mission Dr. Sam Yee (APL/JHU)
02:00-02:25 Observations of gravity waves in the mesopause region from an OH all-sky imager at Starfire Optical Range Feng Li (U IL)
02:25-02:45 --- Break --- -
02:45-03:10 Mid-Latitude Sporadic E Layers and Associated Quasi-Periodic Irregularities Rob Wilson (Clemson U)
03:10-03:35 Ionospheric plasma simulations of meteor trails Lars Dyrud (BU)
03:35-03:55 --- Break --- -
03:55-04:20 Ionospheric Dusty Plasmas Dr. Lynette Gelinas (Cornell)
04:20-04:45 Dynamics and Phenomena of the Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere Andy Gerrard (SUNY Morrisville) Presented by Dr. Tim Kane (PSU)
04:45-05:30 Panel Discussion -
~05:30 PM Bus from Raintree to Rogers Grove (1.2 miles) -
06:00-09:00 Student Social at Rogers Grove park for students, recent graduates and invited guests. Pizza dinner will be provided (NO ALCOHOL) -
09:00-09:30 Bus from Rogers Grove to Raintree and Williams Village Dormitories -


Monday, June 18, 2001

08:00-08:30 Welcomes and Introductions:
from the president of SCOSTEP
from NSF
from NCAR
from the chair of CEDAR
Introduction of students by institution
Marvin Geller
Margaret Leinen
Timothy Killeen
Cassandra Fesen
R. Bishop (student rep)
08:30-09:30 Keynote Talk: What We Need to Know about Solar Variability Eugene Parker (USA)
09:30-10:00 Programmatics #1: Preliminary Report on the Decadal Survey of Solar and Space Physics Lou Lanzerotti (USA)
10:00-10:25 --- Break --- -
10:30-18:00 SCOSTEP Talks (see below)
CEDAR Talks/Workshops (see below)
Front Range AM, Summit PM
Summit AM, other PM
06:00-09:00 Evening Poster Session #1 and Reception Silverthorne, Apache Group


SCOSTEP Monday, June 18, 2001

Topical: Solar Activity Affecting the Space Environment
Topical: Solar Irradiance Variations: Measurements and Results
J.-L. Bougeret* (France)
C. Frohlich (Switzerland)
11:30-11:45 Contrib: Magneto-acoustico-gravity (MAG) waves generated by explosive events in the solar atmosphere I.S. Veselovsky (Russia)
11:45-12:00 Contrib: Possible association of CMEs to the onset of solar rapid spikes observed at submm-waves P. Kaufmann (Brazil)
12:00-1:30 --- Lunch --- -
01:30-02:30 Tutorial #1: A Unified View of Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections K. Shibata* (Japan)
02:30-03:00 Topical: Triumphs and Shortcomings in Observations of the Solar Corona D. Michels (USA)
03:00-03:15 Contrib: Secular and cycle variations of the IMF Bz component and some associated geophysical effects V. N. Obridko (Russia)
03:15-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-6:00 SCOSTEP Long-Range Plan (CAWSES) chair: M. Geller (USA)


CEDAR Monday, June 18, 2001

10:30-11:10 CEDAR Prize Lecture: Modeling Wave Driven Non-linear Flow Oscillations: The Terrestrial QBO, and a Solar Analog Hans Mayr (GSFC)
Report on Student Workshop
Report on TIMED
Report on CEDAR DB
Report from NSF
Rebecca Bishop (UTD)
Jeng-Hwa Yee (JHU/APL)
Peter Fox (HAO/NCAR)
Sunanda Basu (NSF)
12:00-01:15 --- Lunch --- -
01:15-3:15 Equinox transition in MLT region (Liu/Taylor)
Arecibo Friends (Gonzalez)
Front Range
Apache Group
03:15-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-06:00 LTCS (Johnson/Azeem)
Topside (Noto/Kerr)
Front Range


Tuesday, June 19, 2001

08:30-09:30 Tutorial #2: Influence of 11-year solar variation on atmospheric circulation K. Labitzke (Germany)
09:30-10:00 Topical: Secular Variability of Atomic H Column Abandance in the Exosphere at Arecibo R. Kerr (USA)
10:00-10:25 --- Break --- -
10:30-11:00 Topical: Solar-Atmospheric Coupling by Electrons : Observational and Computational Evidence for Effects On the Climate of the Middle Atmosphere L. Callis (USA)
11:00-11:30 Topical: Involvement of Solar Activity in Long-Term Changes of the Stratosphere Murry Salby
11:30-12:00 Topical: Long Term Changes in Ionosphere at Low Latitudes H. Chandra (India)
12:00-18:00 Lunch
SCOSTEP Talks (see below)
CEDAR Workshops (see below)
CSSC Meeting
SCOSTEP Bureau Meeting
Hunter's Pub and Restaurant


12:00-17:00 PM SCOSTEP Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Long-Term Variability of Earth's Climate, Including Solar Influences
Chair K. Labitzke (Germany)
12:00-01:30 --- Lunch --- -
01:30-02:30 Tutorial #3: Solar Influences on Global Climate Change and the IPCC Report Joanna Haigh (UK)
Topical: Detecting change in the lower middle atmosphere
Topical: Ozone Variability in Chemical Climate Model
W. Randel (USA)
M. Takahashi (Japan)
03:30-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-04:30 Topical: Cosmic Rays and Cloud Formation H. Svensmark (Denmark)
04:30-05:00 Topical: Topical: Modeling the Upper Atmosphere Response to Increasing Greenhouse Gases R. Roble (USA)
05:00-7:00 SCOSTEP Bureau Meeting Navaho


CEDAR Workshops Tuesday, June 19, 2001

12:00-01:15 --- Lunch --- -
01:15-3:15 Transient Optical Emissions (Heavner/Pasko/Taylor)
Jicamarca Amigos (Farley)
Front Range
03:15-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-6:00 Airglow and the dynamics responsible for periodic signatures (Meyer/Marsh)
Problems Relating to Ionosphere Modeling at Low latitudes (PRIMAL) (Fesen/Hysell/Anderson)
Front Range


Wednesday, June 20, 2001

08:30-09:30 Tutorial #4: Electrodynamic Coupling in the Equatorial Ionosphere R. Heelis (USA)
09:30-09:55 Topical: The Equatorial Ionosphere-Thermosphere System B. Fejer (USA)
09:55-10:20 --- Break --- -
10:20-10:45 Topical: Dynamics and Electrodynamics over Africa: Results from the Ivory Coast A. Kobea (Ivory Coast)
10:45-11:10 Topical: Some Curious Things About Equatorial Spread-F M. Mendillo (USA)
11:10-11:35 Topical: Electrodynamics of the Low Latitude Ionosphere --- New Results from ROCSAT-1 C. H. Liu (Taiwan)
11:35-12:00 Topical: Radio Imaging of Soft Radar Targets R. Woodman (Peru)
12:00-18:00 Lunch
SCOSTEP Talks (see below)
CEDAR Workshops (see below)
6:00-9:00 Evening Poster Session #2 and Reception Silverthorne, Apache Group


PM SCOSTEP Wednesday, June 20, 2001

12:00-01:30 --- Lunch --- -
Tutorial #5 Dynamics of the Equatorial Middle Atmosphere
Topical: Equatorial Waves Observed in Airglow
Topical: Equatorial waves in the MLT
F. Sassi/R. Garcia (USA)
H. Takahashi (Brazil)
S. Gurubaran (India)
03:30-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-04:15 Contrib: Coordinated Optical and Radar studies of the neutral and electrodynamical coupling of the Mesosphere and the Lower thermosphere R. Sridharan (India)
04:15-04:30 Contrib: Quasi-5-day wave as a result of nonlinear interaction between the 4- and 16-day waves A. Pogoreltsev (UK)
04:30-04:45 Contrib: MLT winds and tides over Poker Flat, Alaska (65.1 N, 147.5 W) during 1999-2000 P. Kishore (Japan/India)


CEDAR Workshops Wednesday, June 20, 2001

12:00-01:15 --- Lunch --- -
01:15-3:15 GIFT (Anderson/Fuller-Rowell/Sojka)
New polar science/RAO (Conde)
Front Range
03:15-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-6:00 Input for decadal study: Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere (Kelley/Fuller-Rowell/Foster)
(Continued:) New polar science/RAO (Conde)
Front Range


Thursday, June 21, 2001

Tutorial #6: Physics and Chemistry of the Mesopause Region
Topical: Equinox Transition: Observations and Interpretation
Student Poster Prize Winners
New CEDAR Science Steering Committee Members
A. Smith (USA)
G. Shepherd* (Canada)
A. Richmond
C. Fesen
10:10-10:25 --- Break --- -
10:30-11:00 Topical: Global Scale Tidal Variability and the Coupling of Tides and Planetary Waves N. Mitchell
Topical: Gravity Wave Coupling into the Middle Atmosphere
Topical: The Science of ALOMAR
S. Eckermann (Australia/USA)
E. Thrane (Norway)
12:00-18:00 Lunch
SCOSTEP Talks (see below)
CEDAR Workshops (see below)
6:00-7:00 Bus and carpools to Anheuser Busch Brewery, Ft Collins
Exit 271 on I-25
7:00-9:00 Tours of brewery, pizza, gift shop
9:00-10:00 Bus and carpools from Anheuser Busch Brewery


PM SCOSTEP Thursday, June 21, 2001

12:00-01:30 --- Lunch --- -
01:30-02:30 Tutorial #7: Migrating and Non-migrating Tides in the MLT Region S. Miyahara (Japan)
02:30-03:00 Topical: Intercomparison of Temperature Measurements made by Multiple Optical Techniques M. Shepherd* (Canada)
03:00-03:30 Topical: A Global Distribution of Stratospheric Gravity Waves and Sporadic E Layers using GPS Occultation Data (GPS/MET) T. Tsuda (Japan)
03:30-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-04:30 Topical: New Arctic Instrumentation: A Longitudinal Radar Chain Y. Portnyagin (Russia)
04:30-05:00 Topical: Recent Multi-Instrument Mesopause Region Measurements made at Antarctica M. Tsutsumi (Japan)
05:00-05:15 Contrib: Planetary waves in the Northern hemisphere mesosphere and lower thermosphere during September- October 1994 R. Lieberman (USA)
05:15-05:30 Contrib: Seasonal Variations of the Solar Tides in the MLT: MF Radar Observations and Models (GSWM, CMAM) A. Manson (Canada)
05:30-05:45 Contrib: Variability of the mesopause region prevailing wind and semidiurnal tide over Central Europe during 1980 - 2000 C. Jacobi (Germany)
05:45-06:00 Contrib: Ionospheric F2-Layer Equinoctial Transitions and Atomic Oxygen A. Mikhailov (Russia)


CEDAR Workshops Thursday, June 21, 2001

12:00-01:15 --- Lunch ---
CSSC Lunch
Blue Spruce
01:15-3:15 Meteors (Mathews/Zhou)
HLPS (Valladares/Sojka)
ISR World Day Scheduling (van Eyken)
Front Range
Apache Group
03:15-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-6:00 Polar mesosphere dynamics (Duck)
PSAT (plasma structures and turbulence) (Mishin)
Tomography (Kamalabadi/Bust/Semeter)
Space Weather Month (Valladares/Burns)
Front Range
Apache Group


Friday, June 22, 2001

Tutorial #8: The Solar Origins of Space Weather
New Techniques and Facilities for Space Weather Research
R. Schwenn* (Germany)
R. Behnke (USA)
10:00-10:25 --- Break --- -
10:30-11:00 Topical: Mid-Latitude Space Weather: Storm Effects J. Foster (USA)
11:00-11:30 Topical: Response of Relativistic Electrons at Synchronous Orbit to Solar Wind and Magnetosphere Drivers R. McPherron (USA)
11:30-12:00 Topical: Polar Aeronomy: Where the Field Lines End J. Thayer* (USA)
12:00-18:00 Lunch
SCOSTEP Talks (see below)
CEDAR Workshops (see below)


PM SCOSTEP Friday, June 22, 2001

12:00-01:30 --- Lunch --- -
01:30-02:30 Tutorial #9: Space Weather Energetics H. Koskinen (Finland)
02:30-03:00 Topical: Creation of trapped energetic particle collections in the magnetosphere and their effects on spacecraft D. Baker (USA)
03:00-03:15 Contrib: Study of equator-ward transmission of polar disturbances --Data assimilative approach J.-S. Guo (China)
03:15-03:30 Contrib: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Instability for substorm generation W. Lyatsky (Russia)
03:30-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-04:30 Topical: Predictions of Solar-Geophysical Activity at NOAA-SEC T. Detman (USA)
04:30-05:00 Topical: The Complicated Ionospheric Currents Responsible for Large Ground Effects of Space Weather in Northern Europe R. Pirjola (Finland)
05:00-05:15 Contrib: Horizontal coupling between American, European and Asian ionospheres during the May 15, 1997 magnetic storm D. Blagoveshchensky (Russia)
05:15-05:30 Contrib: Tracking transient events through geosynchronous orbit and in high-latitude magnetosphere G. Korotova (Russia)
05:30-05:45 Contrib: Identification of plasma density structures in the high-latitude ionosphere using multi-instrument ground-based observations J. Watermann (Denmark)


CEDAR Workshops Friday, June 22, 2001

12:00-01:15 --- Lunch --- -
01:15-3:15 M-I Coupling (Zhu/Ruohoniemi/Greenwald)
TIMED/CEDAR (Yee/Solomon)
Front Range
03:15-04:00 --- Break --- -
04:00-6:00 Input for decadal study: Theory, Computation and Data Exploration (Schunk)
High latitude Electrodynamics (Richmond/Ruohoniemi)
TIMED/CEDAR Data Support (Fox/Yee/Emery)
Front Range
Apache Group