2001 CEDAR-SCOSTEP Workshop Agenda
17 - 22 June 2001
Longmont, Colorado
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SCOSTEP Saturday, June 16, 2001
09:00-12:00 | Opening Remarks Approval of Agenda Approval or modification of draft minutes from CY-2000 Bureau meeting Secretary's Report Report on ICSU Executive Committee Meeting, 18-20 Feb 2001 Questionnaire from ICSU Committee for Scientific Planning and Review (CSPR) Reports by Leaders of Post-STEP Programs (S-RAMP, EPIC) |
12:00-01:00 | --- Lunch at NCAR provided by SCOSTEP --- |
01:00-05:00 | Reports by Leaders of Post-STEP Programs (PSMOS, ISCS) Report from Long-Range Planning Committee (CAWSES) Budget for 2002/2003 General Council Meeting Issues STP-10/CEDAR-2001 |
SCOSTEP Sunday, June 17, 2001
07:30 AM | Raintree Van leaves Raintree for NCAR Mesa Lab |
08:30-12:00 | Opening Remarks Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes of 1999 Meeting President's Report Scientific Secretary's Report SCOSTEP's Porposed New Long-Range Program: "CAWSES" |
12:00-01:00 | --- Lunch at NCAR provided by SCOSTEP --- |
01:00-05:30 | Financial Matters: (Report for CY-2000, Projection for CY-2001, Proposed budgets for CY-2002 and 2003) Reports from Post-STEP Programs (S-RAMP, PSMOS, EPIC, ISCS) Adherent Representative (National) Reports (20 min with questions each) Other Business Next Meeting - Summer 2003 (included General Election) |
05:30-07:30 | Reception for General Meeting Participants and Accompaning Persons - Hosted by NCAR Director, Dr. Tim Killeen |
07:30 PM | Raintree Van leaves NCAR Mesa Lab for the Raintree |
CEDAR Sunday, June 17, 2001
10:00-10:20 | Introductions | Rebecca Bishop (UTD) Dr. Sunanda Basu (NSF) Dr. Cassandra Fesen, CEDAR Chair (UTD) |
10:20-10:40 | --- Break --- | - |
10:40-11:20 11:20-12:00 |
An Overview of the MLTI Middle Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Dr. Dan Marsh (HAO/NCAR) Dr. Tim Kane (PSU) |
12:00-01:15 | Lunch on own at nearby restaurants or Twin Peaks Mall | - |
01:15-02:00 | The TIMED Mission | Dr. Sam Yee (APL/JHU) |
02:00-02:25 | Observations of gravity waves in the mesopause region from an OH all-sky imager at Starfire Optical Range | Feng Li (U IL) |
02:25-02:45 | --- Break --- | - |
02:45-03:10 | Mid-Latitude Sporadic E Layers and Associated Quasi-Periodic Irregularities | Rob Wilson (Clemson U) |
03:10-03:35 | Ionospheric plasma simulations of meteor trails | Lars Dyrud (BU) |
03:35-03:55 | --- Break --- | - |
03:55-04:20 | Ionospheric Dusty Plasmas | Dr. Lynette Gelinas (Cornell) |
04:20-04:45 | Dynamics and Phenomena of the Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere | Andy Gerrard (SUNY Morrisville) Presented by Dr. Tim Kane (PSU) |
04:45-05:30 | Panel Discussion | - |
~05:30 PM | Bus from Raintree to Rogers Grove (1.2 miles) | - |
06:00-09:00 | Student Social at Rogers Grove park for students, recent graduates and invited guests. Pizza dinner will be provided (NO ALCOHOL) | - |
09:00-09:30 | Bus from Rogers Grove to Raintree and Williams Village Dormitories | - |
Monday, June 18, 2001
08:00-08:30 | Welcomes and Introductions: from the president of SCOSTEP from NSF from NCAR from the chair of CEDAR Introduction of students by institution |
- Marvin Geller Margaret Leinen Timothy Killeen Cassandra Fesen R. Bishop (student rep) |
08:30-09:30 | Keynote Talk: What We Need to Know about Solar Variability | Eugene Parker (USA) |
09:30-10:00 | Programmatics #1: Preliminary Report on the Decadal Survey of Solar and Space Physics | Lou Lanzerotti (USA) |
10:00-10:25 | --- Break --- | - |
10:30-18:00 | SCOSTEP Talks (see below) CEDAR Talks/Workshops (see below) |
Front Range AM, Summit PM Summit AM, other PM |
06:00-09:00 | Evening Poster Session #1 and Reception | Silverthorne, Apache Group |
SCOSTEP Monday, June 18, 2001
10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 |
Topical: Solar Activity Affecting the Space Environment Topical: Solar Irradiance Variations: Measurements and Results |
J.-L. Bougeret* (France) C. Frohlich (Switzerland) |
11:30-11:45 | Contrib: Magneto-acoustico-gravity (MAG) waves generated by explosive events in the solar atmosphere | I.S. Veselovsky (Russia) |
11:45-12:00 | Contrib: Possible association of CMEs to the onset of solar rapid spikes observed at submm-waves | P. Kaufmann (Brazil) |
12:00-1:30 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:30-02:30 | Tutorial #1: A Unified View of Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections | K. Shibata* (Japan) |
02:30-03:00 | Topical: Triumphs and Shortcomings in Observations of the Solar Corona | D. Michels (USA) |
03:00-03:15 | Contrib: Secular and cycle variations of the IMF Bz component and some associated geophysical effects | V. N. Obridko (Russia) |
03:15-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-6:00 | SCOSTEP Long-Range Plan (CAWSES) | chair: M. Geller (USA) |
CEDAR Monday, June 18, 2001
10:30-11:10 | CEDAR Prize Lecture: Modeling Wave Driven Non-linear Flow Oscillations: The Terrestrial QBO, and a Solar Analog | Hans Mayr (GSFC) |
11:10-11:20 11:20-11:30 11:30-11:40 11:40-12:00 |
Report on Student Workshop Report on TIMED Report on CEDAR DB Report from NSF |
Rebecca Bishop (UTD) Jeng-Hwa Yee (JHU/APL) Peter Fox (HAO/NCAR) Sunanda Basu (NSF) |
12:00-01:15 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:15-3:15 | Equinox transition in MLT region (Liu/Taylor) Arecibo Friends (Gonzalez) |
Front Range Apache Group |
03:15-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-06:00 | LTCS (Johnson/Azeem) Topside (Noto/Kerr) |
Front Range Fairview |
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
08:30-09:30 | Tutorial #2: Influence of 11-year solar variation on atmospheric circulation | K. Labitzke (Germany) |
09:30-10:00 | Topical: Secular Variability of Atomic H Column Abandance in the Exosphere at Arecibo | R. Kerr (USA) |
10:00-10:25 | --- Break --- | - |
10:30-11:00 | Topical: Solar-Atmospheric Coupling by Electrons : Observational and Computational Evidence for Effects On the Climate of the Middle Atmosphere | L. Callis (USA) |
11:00-11:30 | Topical: Involvement of Solar Activity in Long-Term Changes of the Stratosphere | Murry Salby |
11:30-12:00 | Topical: Long Term Changes in Ionosphere at Low Latitudes | H. Chandra (India) |
12:00-18:00 | Lunch SCOSTEP Talks (see below) CEDAR Workshops (see below) |
- Summit - |
06:30-10:00 05:00-07:00 |
CSSC Meeting SCOSTEP Bureau Meeting |
Hunter's Pub and Restaurant Navajo |
12:00-17:00 | PM SCOSTEP Tuesday, June 19, 2001 Long-Term Variability of Earth's Climate, Including Solar Influences |
Summit Chair K. Labitzke (Germany) |
12:00-01:30 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:30-02:30 | Tutorial #3: Solar Influences on Global Climate Change and the IPCC Report | Joanna Haigh (UK) |
02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 |
Topical: Detecting change in the lower middle atmosphere Topical: Ozone Variability in Chemical Climate Model |
W. Randel (USA) M. Takahashi (Japan) |
03:30-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-04:30 | Topical: Cosmic Rays and Cloud Formation | H. Svensmark (Denmark) |
04:30-05:00 | Topical: Topical: Modeling the Upper Atmosphere Response to Increasing Greenhouse Gases | R. Roble (USA) |
05:00-7:00 | SCOSTEP Bureau Meeting | Navaho |
CEDAR Workshops Tuesday, June 19, 2001
12:00-01:15 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:15-3:15 | Transient Optical Emissions (Heavner/Pasko/Taylor) Jicamarca Amigos (Farley) |
Front Range Fairview |
03:15-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-6:00 | Airglow and the dynamics responsible for periodic signatures (Meyer/Marsh) Problems Relating to Ionosphere Modeling at Low latitudes (PRIMAL) (Fesen/Hysell/Anderson) |
Front Range - Fairview |
Wednesday, June 20, 2001
08:30-09:30 | Tutorial #4: Electrodynamic Coupling in the Equatorial Ionosphere | R. Heelis (USA) |
09:30-09:55 | Topical: The Equatorial Ionosphere-Thermosphere System | B. Fejer (USA) |
09:55-10:20 | --- Break --- | - |
10:20-10:45 | Topical: Dynamics and Electrodynamics over Africa: Results from the Ivory Coast | A. Kobea (Ivory Coast) |
10:45-11:10 | Topical: Some Curious Things About Equatorial Spread-F | M. Mendillo (USA) |
11:10-11:35 | Topical: Electrodynamics of the Low Latitude Ionosphere --- New Results from ROCSAT-1 | C. H. Liu (Taiwan) |
11:35-12:00 | Topical: Radio Imaging of Soft Radar Targets | R. Woodman (Peru) |
12:00-18:00 | Lunch SCOSTEP Talks (see below) CEDAR Workshops (see below) |
- Summit - |
6:00-9:00 | Evening Poster Session #2 and Reception | Silverthorne, Apache Group |
PM SCOSTEP Wednesday, June 20, 2001
12:00-01:30 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:30-02:30 02:30-03:00 03:00-03:30 |
Tutorial #5 Dynamics of the Equatorial Middle Atmosphere Topical: Equatorial Waves Observed in Airglow Topical: Equatorial waves in the MLT |
F. Sassi/R. Garcia (USA) H. Takahashi (Brazil) S. Gurubaran (India) |
03:30-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-04:15 | Contrib: Coordinated Optical and Radar studies of the neutral and electrodynamical coupling of the Mesosphere and the Lower thermosphere | R. Sridharan (India) |
04:15-04:30 | Contrib: Quasi-5-day wave as a result of nonlinear interaction between the 4- and 16-day waves | A. Pogoreltsev (UK) |
04:30-04:45 | Contrib: MLT winds and tides over Poker Flat, Alaska (65.1 N, 147.5 W) during 1999-2000 | P. Kishore (Japan/India) |
CEDAR Workshops Wednesday, June 20, 2001
12:00-01:15 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:15-3:15 | GIFT (Anderson/Fuller-Rowell/Sojka) New polar science/RAO (Conde) |
Front Range Fairview |
03:15-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-6:00 | Input for decadal study: Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere (Kelley/Fuller-Rowell/Foster) (Continued:) New polar science/RAO (Conde) |
Front Range - Fairview |
Thursday, June 21, 2001
08:30-09:30 09:30-10:00 10:00-10:07 10:07-10:10 |
Tutorial #6: Physics and Chemistry of the Mesopause Region Topical: Equinox Transition: Observations and Interpretation Student Poster Prize Winners New CEDAR Science Steering Committee Members |
A. Smith (USA) G. Shepherd* (Canada) A. Richmond C. Fesen |
10:10-10:25 | --- Break --- | - |
10:30-11:00 | Topical: Global Scale Tidal Variability and the Coupling of Tides and Planetary Waves | N. Mitchell |
11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 |
Topical: Gravity Wave Coupling into the Middle Atmosphere Topical: The Science of ALOMAR |
S. Eckermann (Australia/USA) E. Thrane (Norway) |
12:00-18:00 | Lunch SCOSTEP Talks (see below) CEDAR Workshops (see below) |
- Summit - |
6:00-7:00 | Bus and carpools to Anheuser Busch Brewery, Ft Collins | Exit 271 on I-25 |
7:00-9:00 | Tours of brewery, pizza, gift shop | - |
9:00-10:00 | Bus and carpools from Anheuser Busch Brewery | - |
PM SCOSTEP Thursday, June 21, 2001
12:00-01:30 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:30-02:30 | Tutorial #7: Migrating and Non-migrating Tides in the MLT Region | S. Miyahara (Japan) |
02:30-03:00 | Topical: Intercomparison of Temperature Measurements made by Multiple Optical Techniques | M. Shepherd* (Canada) |
03:00-03:30 | Topical: A Global Distribution of Stratospheric Gravity Waves and Sporadic E Layers using GPS Occultation Data (GPS/MET) | T. Tsuda (Japan) |
03:30-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-04:30 | Topical: New Arctic Instrumentation: A Longitudinal Radar Chain | Y. Portnyagin (Russia) |
04:30-05:00 | Topical: Recent Multi-Instrument Mesopause Region Measurements made at Antarctica | M. Tsutsumi (Japan) |
05:00-05:15 | Contrib: Planetary waves in the Northern hemisphere mesosphere and lower thermosphere during September- October 1994 | R. Lieberman (USA) |
05:15-05:30 | Contrib: Seasonal Variations of the Solar Tides in the MLT: MF Radar Observations and Models (GSWM, CMAM) | A. Manson (Canada) |
05:30-05:45 | Contrib: Variability of the mesopause region prevailing wind and semidiurnal tide over Central Europe during 1980 - 2000 | C. Jacobi (Germany) |
05:45-06:00 | Contrib: Ionospheric F2-Layer Equinoctial Transitions and Atomic Oxygen | A. Mikhailov (Russia) |
CEDAR Workshops Thursday, June 21, 2001
12:00-01:15 | --- Lunch --- CSSC Lunch |
- Blue Spruce |
01:15-3:15 | Meteors (Mathews/Zhou) HLPS (Valladares/Sojka) ISR World Day Scheduling (van Eyken) |
Front Range Fairview Apache Group |
03:15-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-6:00 | Polar mesosphere dynamics (Duck) PSAT (plasma structures and turbulence) (Mishin) Tomography (Kamalabadi/Bust/Semeter) Space Weather Month (Valladares/Burns) |
Front Range Fairview Silverthorne Apache Group |
Friday, June 22, 2001
08:30-09:30 09:30-10:00 |
Tutorial #8: The Solar Origins of Space Weather New Techniques and Facilities for Space Weather Research |
R. Schwenn* (Germany) R. Behnke (USA) |
10:00-10:25 | --- Break --- | - |
10:30-11:00 | Topical: Mid-Latitude Space Weather: Storm Effects | J. Foster (USA) |
11:00-11:30 | Topical: Response of Relativistic Electrons at Synchronous Orbit to Solar Wind and Magnetosphere Drivers | R. McPherron (USA) |
11:30-12:00 | Topical: Polar Aeronomy: Where the Field Lines End | J. Thayer* (USA) |
12:00-18:00 | Lunch SCOSTEP Talks (see below) CEDAR Workshops (see below) |
- Summit - |
PM SCOSTEP Friday, June 22, 2001
12:00-01:30 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:30-02:30 | Tutorial #9: Space Weather Energetics | H. Koskinen (Finland) |
02:30-03:00 | Topical: Creation of trapped energetic particle collections in the magnetosphere and their effects on spacecraft | D. Baker (USA) |
03:00-03:15 | Contrib: Study of equator-ward transmission of polar disturbances --Data assimilative approach | J.-S. Guo (China) |
03:15-03:30 | Contrib: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Instability for substorm generation | W. Lyatsky (Russia) |
03:30-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-04:30 | Topical: Predictions of Solar-Geophysical Activity at NOAA-SEC | T. Detman (USA) |
04:30-05:00 | Topical: The Complicated Ionospheric Currents Responsible for Large Ground Effects of Space Weather in Northern Europe | R. Pirjola (Finland) |
05:00-05:15 | Contrib: Horizontal coupling between American, European and Asian ionospheres during the May 15, 1997 magnetic storm | D. Blagoveshchensky (Russia) |
05:15-05:30 | Contrib: Tracking transient events through geosynchronous orbit and in high-latitude magnetosphere | G. Korotova (Russia) |
05:30-05:45 | Contrib: Identification of plasma density structures in the high-latitude ionosphere using multi-instrument ground-based observations | J. Watermann (Denmark) |
CEDAR Workshops Friday, June 22, 2001
12:00-01:15 | --- Lunch --- | - |
01:15-3:15 | M-I Coupling (Zhu/Ruohoniemi/Greenwald) TIMED/CEDAR (Yee/Solomon) |
Fairview Front Range |
03:15-04:00 | --- Break --- | - |
04:00-6:00 | Input for decadal study: Theory, Computation and Data Exploration (Schunk) High latitude Electrodynamics (Richmond/Ruohoniemi) TIMED/CEDAR Data Support (Fox/Yee/Emery) |
Front Range - Fairview Apache Group |